It would be SO NICE to have the ability to look into the future to see if our family member will ever let go of the delusion that is the Watchtower Organization. This family member is (and always has been) WELCOME at our home, but seldom do we see her. She has missed so many birthday celebrations, Christmases, Thanksgivings, 4th of July cookouts & fireworks, Mother's Days, Father's Days, etc, etc. It hurts to know she is avoiding contact with us because we are an "evil influence" and to be kept at arm's-length at all times. She is missing out on SO MUCH. Not just the family festivities, but the loving interaction with us and other members of our family.
I hope someday she realizes she is wasting her life being a literal puppet of the WTS. They tell her what to think; they tell her what to believe; they tell her what to do; they tell her how to act; etc. I wish we could get to know her better, but this WTS cult has her captive.....and it's just so sad and such a shame.
Thanks for listening.