My theory is that a lot of us were really into the culture. In our hey day Jill (my wife) and I had two keys to the KH. She pioneered, I was an MS and aux pio'd. My gut feel from collecting time reports is that 20% of the dubs do 80% of the work. Based on those that post and tell their stories most seem to have been pretty "active" once. So if 50% of us were "strong" members in our congo's then the effect of our departure is much much greater. Were you a shining example or did you skate by?
G'Mo's Poll#1-Are xjws more likely to have been "devout" than current jws?
by Glenmore 9 Replies latest jw friends
I was an example, always went beyond the call of duty. Had bookstudy in home, pioneered, volunteered for quick build, serve where the need was great. Visited the shut-ins.
I enjoyed my years with the JW's. I have no major complaints.
Undaunted Danny
I was devout to the core.I memorized over 2,000 scripts from the NWT.
I was a good looking bro who stayed chaste until 46 y.o.
I had my weaknesses,[actually they were JW cult induced dysfunctions to begin with]
Know this! Apostate is defined in an ordinary dictionary:"as a devout believer turned destroyer"..
That is exactly what I am.The WT$ took everything,and now I have got nothing to lose.
I was a shining example of a skater and it has proven to be my saving grace in exiting.
I was a good looking bro who stayed chaste until 46 y.o.
ouch! that's a lot of cheese!
My husband and I were Super-Witnesses. We both were pioneers, went to pioneer school. We were often assigned parts at the meeting. I even had two parts at the assemblies. We studied for all the meetings. Very devout.
Glen, I think you know what kind of dubs my family and I were. My parents and brother are still that way, but my brother has recently indicated to me that he is suffering from serious depression. Kind of makes me wonder... If he bailed it would make a lot more waves than when I did. In fact, I didn't make many waves because I had moved around quite a bit before we finally "faded." But my brother is on the same track my dad is on, so it would be a big deal.
A girl can dream can't she? (So far he has shown no indications of questioning anything, so all of the above is just pure speculation.)
new light
I was never a super-publisher or anything due to working full time, but, once I decided to get reinstated, I was tight with Jehovah. I felt that we had conversations. Yeah, I know. Wacky. It's the people like us that can't possibly last long with the dubs. When you really feel you know God, the whole regime of the JWs seems ridiculous and cheap. It took a while for me to realize it, though. Anyway, yes, x-jws are more likely to have been truly spiritual, although misdirected. We just knew that all the man-made rules were not from God. Good question, by the way.
Yeah, I was pretty gung-ho. Helped to start a Japanese group in Seattle, fervently believed and defended da troof. Gave really convincing talks and stuff. <Sigh>
Glad to report I now have my head screwed on straight. :-)
So far the Devouts are winning! Say, Randy, is there any way to do some "market research" to see how many of us were very "active" when we were part of The Collective? Glen