
by RR 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Okay, serious hypo question.

    If you could reform the Watchtower, what would you do? Seriously, what would you do?


  • minimus

    I don't believe it's possible but here goes----get them to admit that they have made mistakes and that they are doing the best they can do. Ask for forgiveness and suggestions as to how to do better and do away with all the "theocratic rules" and let people make the "truth" their own.

  • onacruse

    imo, the WTS never be reformed from without, but will be forced to reform from within, as a natural and inevitable force of social evolution.

    For example, the gradual reduction of regular pioneer hours from what used to be 100 hours/month to 70...was that because someone pointed out that 70 was a better number (spiritual perfection and all that)? No, it was because they were faced with a diminishing pool of JWs who were willing to devote that many hours every month to field service; and the choice was simple: hold to 100 hours, and show an annual reduction in the pioneer ranks, or else change the quota.

    And the 15-minute rule: Was that because the WTS suddenly had a twinge of conscience in behalf of the older brothers and sisters who couldn't even do 1 hour a month? No, it was because more and more JWs were spending such little time in service that, without the 15-minute rule, there would be an annual reduction in the publishers ranks.

    And the voluntary donation arrangement: Was that because the WTS had a flash of light from God that told them it was wrong to ask for contributions? No, it was the IRS, and French law (among others), that made it clear that the WTS would lose revenue if they didn't comply.

    Pending child-abuse lawsuits present the same threat.

    Now, admittedly, the last two examples can legitimately be viewed as changes forced from without. That's why I used the term "social evolution," which includes changes in society outside the WTS.

    The common denominator is that it's the collective of people, either by non-compliance or by law, that force organizations to change. "Tweaking" a particular doctrine or policy here and there never occurs voluntarily.

    Eric Hoffer's The True Believer comes to mind in this respect, as well as many other works on the history of religion and the sociology of religion.

    What's exciting to me about this is that the WTS cannot help but be the loser. They could be the winner, if they voluntarily made changes from the top down...but that isn't how society works.


  • Glenmore

    Well, I don't see it happening without a Great Schism but mine would go like this: 1. Full rejection of the blood-rules - personal choice, no disfellowshipping 2. Elimination of disfellowshipping as a form of psychological punishment 3. Coming clean on all wrongdoing - pedophiles prosecuted, taxes paid etc 4. Payment into a retirement fund for full-time "workers" 5. Personal choice on holidays, worldly association etc. - individual freedom 6. Elimination of door-to-door requirements and time-keeping 7. Children not to be singled out (and therefore ridicluded) at school. 7.

  • Terry

    How can we reform the common garden spider (to make its capture and subsequent devouring of the hapless insect caught in its web) more acceptable to the victim?

    Should we make the spider paint the web in day-glo colors so that the insect will fly willingly, knowingly, to its doom?

    Should we demand the spider post a notice of full disclosure to all the insect kingdom to the effect that any commerce between the arachnid and the insect will result in one being dinner and the other being the diner?

    Perhaps we could request that the spider approach the victim noisily, dislodge them from the sticky strands, read them their rights and only then bind them and suck their brains out through the top of their head?

    Maybe we should suggest counseling for insect and spider? Perhaps through mutual understanding they could learn to co-exist? Of course, the spider would starve---but, there would be peace!

    All of the above is sarcasm, naturally. The nature of the spider is to do spider things like trapping, binding and eating insects who fall into its web.

    The Watchtower Society is not a public service organization. They exist to do certain things which, if not done, would cease to give meaning to their nature. What constitutes the nature of their messege?

    1.Declaring Jesus is back since 1914.

    2.Jesus rejected every religious group on earth and chose the boys in Brooklyn.

    3.The Governing Body is the only ONLY true channel of communication with the Supreme Being.

    4.God can be called by his given name, Jehovah (even though it is an error of pronunciation).

    5.The only thing worth spending your time and money on--ever--is Jehovah's kingdom under his son Christ Jesus because Armageddon is coming in 1844. Um, I mean 1914, um, maybe 1915 or 1918 or--1925 or 1975 or before 2001 or---heck--just don't go to college or make anything out of your life--IT IS ANY SECOND NOW!!

    6.The only valuable work that exists for TRUE christians to do is sell (um, get contributions for) Watchtower publications. Those publications repeat all the above).

    7.Whatever the Governing Body says is true---at the time. If it is wrong---it wasn't wrong because it is wrong but because it was right and too soon to say it.

    8.Everybody but JW's deserve to die.

    Now if you get rid of those 8 points and ignore the Blood Transfusions, Military Neutrality, Political embargo, free speech suppressions, etc----what do you have left but a lodge meeting at the local Elk's club?

    Take stripes off a zebra and you have a white horse.

    Reform Jehovah's Witnesses and they vanish like the wicked witch of the west when the bucket of water is splashed on her head!


  • RR
    Minimus: I don't believe it's possible but here goes

    I don't think it's possible either, at least not under the current adninistration. But who knows?

    onacruse: What's exciting to me about this is that the WTS cannot help but be the loser. They could be the winner, if they voluntarily made changes from the top down...but that isn't how society works.

    Yes, I agree, with their resources, they could do so much!

    Terry: Reform Jehovah's Witnesses and they vanish like the wicked witch of the west when the bucket of water is splashed on her head!

    I don't se it that way. There are many groups who have an "authoritarian attitude" and yet function well.


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