Newbie and What It's Like Still Being Connected

by LordFader 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LordFader

    Just signed up though I've being browsing posts for a long time. I was raised a witness but left when I was in my early thirties. Just faded away (hence the "LordFader"). Still have lots of family and some friends who are still in the borg. So I'm still connected, which brings me to the second part of my subject: What It's Like Still Being Connected?

    For me some of the things that affect me are...

    Biting my tongue a lot...

    Getting dragged to a meeting, CA or DA occasionally...

    Getting shunned by so called old friends a lot...

    No porn allowed in the house (unless you get caught)...

    Have to hear about new light, experiences, and other sickening stuff...

    Getting the "Look" every time I make a negative statement...

    Dealing with a lot of other peoples denial...

    Narrow mindedness...

    Anybody still connected and do you have any additional comments?

  • kls

    Welcome Lordfader glad you decided to join us. The only connection i have with the JWs is that my husband is in the cult. Other then that i try to keep my distance from them.

  • Bubbamar

    Welcome to JWD lordfader!! I am not connected expect that my mom who barely speaks to me is still very much connected. I do wish I had done things your way though - fading rather than a grand DF exit. It has been hard dealing with/without my mom.

    This site is a great support...Keep reading!

  • RandomTask

    I deal with this with my in-laws. Hopefully you can reach a point where you sort of find a comfort zone with your friends and family who still talk to you. But beware, being something you are not will take a toll on you.

  • frenchbabyface

    Welcome, LordFather !!!

    Well I deal with it just with my familly ... I decided to not talking about it anymore ... my mother lied to me (telling that she knows I'm right but didn't told me that she was a pionner ... LOL ... whatever ... GOD WILL APPRECIATE THE DENIAL and the LIES) ...

  • Carmel

    Dear Lord,

    It no longer effects me as I have re-built a complete new family of friends and aquaintances, leaving behind the blood relatives that shunned me. I consider my real friends are closer to me than those that share a few identical genetic strands. Hope you can get on with life and do the same thing.. very rewarding..


  • codeblue

    Welcome Lordfader

    Me and my hubby have been fading for a year.

    We were both raised as JW's and lived it for 30 years....

    We don't live near any relatives, but we have to act like we are still going and doing all the JW stuff, cause we know they will shun us if we are not doing anything. I feel like I am a "double agent"....but we know the WTBS lies to protect themselves and that was apparent when reading COC and ISOCF....

    So for me, I live in fear.

    I understand the way you feel........they are happy in their denial....maybe their "rose colored glasses" will crack one day.

    My rose colored glasses were cracked when I saw that Dateline episode 2 years ago about the Pedophile problem in the WTBS. I couldn't stand the hypocrisy!!! The UN issue of their spiritual adultery for 10 years also was pure hypocrisy.

    I think there are a lot more fader's than you think, and in fact they may be attending your KH as well....They are acting the part because they know their family will "shun" them....and for now, they can't take that stress.

    I wish I could say something to make you feel better....just hang in there...maybe meet with some from the board in your area...That bolsters your feeling what you are doing is right.



  • Netty

    Hi there, welcome and yes I know what you mean. I have been long, long faded, yet I still have to deal with my parents who are WAY too friggin active in this organization. It irks me to no end the type of comments my mother constantly makes. LIke she gets all excited and says "remember how much you used to love the great teacher book" because she wants my kids to have one. I never liked that dumb little book, dont kids like books fro Christ's sake. Or she constantly brings up different ones and what their status is, like I am supposed to be "cut to the heart" when she says stuff like so and so is no longer doing anything in the truth, or is now dis-fellowhipped, and I think to myself "HALLELUJAH" for them. Or she will get all giddy and say another so and so was reinstated and I am supposed to jump up and down for joy, yes still way to connected to it all... SHEESH!

    p.s. at least my father gets it, he can tell just by the look on my face, to put a lid on it, my mother just does not get it though.

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