TV Chef Julia Child Dies.

by El Kabong 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Sad. She was one of the pioneers of TV Chefs.

    Edit. Darn...I didn't see the other post.....


  • sunshineToo

    I just saw her on TV the other day. At least she died in her sleep. That's good!

  • kls

    I don't mean any disrespect but i thought she was already dead. I mean i thought she died years ago ( whoops guess not )

  • Stefanie

    I always loved her shows.

    She is gonna be missed..

  • MegaDude

    Julia Childs was asked what her dream meal would be and she replied: "Red meat and a bottle of gin." Gotta love her.

  • Princess

    I was watching one of her shows where she would feature another cook who would demonstrate a specialty with her. This particular episode, the guest was Martha Stewart. Martha was demonstrating baking a cake or something and she asked Julia to do a menial task to which Julia replied "no". It cracked me up. Martha is so condescending and Julia just wouldn't take it from her. From that day forward, I just loved Julia Child.

    The cooking world will miss her.

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