Jehovah's Witnesses Break New Ground
The Herald (Harare)
August 12, 2004
Posted to the web August 12, 2004
JEHOVAH'S Witnesses will present the first Bible-based 2004 district convention in sign language in Zimbabwe for those who are deaf, focusing on what it means to "walk with God".
The district convention is one of a series of 22 three-day district conventions being held across the country under the theme "Walk with God" between this month and September.
The entire programme is based on the scriptures and will offer encouragement to individuals who are troubled by recent world events and declining moral values. In view of the current spotlight on the role of religion in world affairs, the Witnesses intend to make clear to all how true Christians should conduct themselves in a world of changing values. The first conventions in the country were held last weekend in Gokwe, Hwange, Checheche, Mahuwe and Mt Darwin, while conventions for Zvishavane, Gwanda and Harare will be held between Friday and Sunday this week. Harare will have another convention in Shona during the first week of September.
Subsequently, the series will continue throughout the country each week through to September 5 in 19 towns and districts, including Chinhoyi, Mutare, Masvingo, Mutasa, Murehwa, Gweru, Chitungwiza, Bulawayo and Karoi.
An estimated 60 000 people of all ages, races and backgrounds are expected hear thought-provoking talks and interviews designed to encourage all to desire to "walk with God".
A national spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses, Mr John Hunguka, said this year's programme would feature important information for families.
"We are very excited about the programmes. The conventions always feature practical and timely information for all who attend. We were pleased with the response last year and are confident that those who attend this year will be equally gratified. Those who attended last year's conventions were glad they took out time from their schedules to be there," said Mr Hunguka. Of particular interest will be a keynote address titled "Walk with God in Turbulent Times" on the first day.
The second day will feature a baptism ceremony after the talk "Walking with Jehovah By Appointment" while the final talk that day, "Keep on the Watch - The Hour of Judgment Has Drawn Near", will scrutinise current events in the light of the Bible and reveal their meaning.