Someone already pointed out the 8-15-04 WT where a couple boxed their hobby items and put them away so they would have more time for spiritual pursuits. However, when I saw the 8-22-04 Awake I told me husband, "Looks like it didn't take long to get that box out of the attic." On the front of the magazine there is a picture depicting a father and son assembling a model car. I don't have the article in front of me, but I remember two or three articles about spending time with your children. However, not once does the WT suggest sharing a hobby with your child. The whole thrust of the article(s) was about spending time advancing spiritual interests and as a result many children grow up to be elders or pioneers and what a wonderful blessing!
The WT versus hobbies
by Bonnie_Clyde 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
The brothers at the Kingdumb Hall had plenty to say about my hobbies.
I loved going to movies. I loved playing chess. I loved karate. I loved reading secular history. I loved asking questions.
Is it any wonder I could not fit in?
Welcome Bonnie_Clyde,
You're right! Because there are many writers of these articles, and there are many points-of-view. This stuff drives me crazy; I'm sure others feel the same way!
Yeah..I loved everything BUT furthering my spiritual goals.
Just like evryone else i know thats still in the with the other dubs.
Hi everyone.... Just a quick, personal thought about the subject under discussion...
I am very busy in the Truth... I am not a servant nor a pioneer... I just keep myself busy - doing what I can to try to be a genuine disciple of the Master, Jesus Christ. I study with several people and enjoy that very much - I do my bit to support the congregation in various ways and hey guess what? I have several hobbies too!!!!! I write and record my own music - I play keyboards and guitar, I listen to loads of new music (even though I am in my 50's now. Some of the new bands on the scene in the UK are great! The new Maroon 5 album is excellent!) I write books (9 to date!) and am involved in researching my family tree (Managed to get back to 1585 so far!!!) I take my eight grandsons out whenever I not in the ministry... but for walks and to the cinema and just messing about in the park etc.... Life is not easy as I battle with what will prove to be a terminal illness - but I find time to get enjoyment from every aspect of my life. My advice to those who are hung up about whether to do this or that, whether to have hobbies or not is simple........ Get on with your life. Be balanced! Be Happy! Do what you want and serve Jehovah the best way that YOU can. You won't answer to any man in the final analysis. Be true to God and true to yourself.
Take care of one another...
Very nice, kagloo, you're a man of my heart. I'm into horses with my children, and just as you say, try to use as much time as possible together with them circling around that hobby. So we're not D2D people, but try to build a family unit based on a God-fearing foundation.
Room 215
Welcome, Kagloo! First and foremost, let me extent my fervent good wishes in your fight to battle the effects of a serious illness. It would seem to me that your remarkable diversity of interests, praiseworthy but very atypical in the world of active JWs, is likely to explain why, as you say ``not a pioneer or servant" despite a record of conducting several studies and regular field service.
In my experience, which extends nearly a half-century in the organization, anyone as active and fully supportive of the WT will encounter considerable peer pressure to scale back or eliminate all but WT-sanctioned activities; one who stands firm and resolutely asserts his ``rights" to pursue his/her individual interests (``worldy people speak of their rights, we of obligations" was how one CO expressed it) is usually considered ``immature," ``not exemplary," ``resistant to counsel," ``not qualified for further responsibility," or worse.