If i would write a letter to all members of my congregation stating "I had a JC and will be DF'ed and this would be announced in near future" - would i get DF'ed or would the WTS consider this DAing?
mass mailing to get DF'ed
by mineralogist 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i think that the first person who didnt understand it would call the elders, when they said that there was in fact, no JC, the jig would be up.
Just my 2 cents
There was a JC - but we should meet again! So just to be faster than the elders and being able to inform JWs i came across this idea.
well it would be making a public scene, so they would do something about it.. probably ask to meet with you to talk to you about disrespecting the org.. and anything else they might find you up to.. (if you are not dfd that is)
just save the stamps.
write a letter to the editorial section of your local paper as a "final goodbye" to your life long friends. or take out an ad with an email address you can be reached at... maybe you can put a flyer on all the cars during a meeting. or a "goodbye" sign up on the telephone pole as they exit the kingdom hall.
i'm sorry you are going through this...and that your crazy anti-jw self will be "announced," it's stressful, sick and just so damn unnatural to go through.
but, the fact is...once you are disfellowshipped or about to be, anything you do will not be taken seriously. you are with Satan now, so sad...too bad. "we hope you come back soon."
mineralogist, even if you are right, the WTS says you are wrong to tell others and cause divisions. You should just "wait on Jehovah" to correct matters.