Do JW's have to keep a quota to remain active? Does anyone have any WT article or KM that tells the rank and file what is expected if they are going to be a publisher, vs a pioneer, or anything like that?
Field Service Quota?
by Unclepenn1 7 Replies latest jw friends
I don't have a KM or anything like that, however,
To be a 'regular' publisher you need to report time every month. It used to be one hour, but they recently went down toa 15 minute rule....
One step down... you don't report time for one month. Now you're 'irregular'. You need to be 'regular' for 6 months to become 'regular' again.
One more step down... you're inactive. You don't report time in field service.
How much time do you want to spend? You want to be the national average. Usually about 10 hours per month, though it does change. If you are under, well, you're not doing to dammed well. You need to have a good excuse. People talk.
Pioneer is 90 hours per month, aux. pioneeer is 60 hours per month, and I believe special pioneer is 120 hours per month.
Why do I still remember this rubbish? All man-made terms and man made rules. Hope this helps.
but they recently went down toa 15 minute rule....
That is only for infirm, sick, or disabled JWs and it has to be approved by the elder body.
It is still 1 hour/month per rank and file to be considered active. Miss reporting time one month out of six consecutive months, you will be labeled "irregular." Miss reporting time for 6 consecutive months = inactive.
50 hours/month = auxiliary pioneer
70 hours/month = regular pioneer
110 hours = special pioneer (being phased out)
Elders and MS are expected to maintain the national average in hours which hovers between 9 and 10. This is usually only enforced against elders and MS that are not well liked and by the CO.
Re the 15 minute requirement:
After spending several years taking care of my mother, the elders questioned why my field service and meeting attendance had fallen off until I was finally inactive. They didn't seem to understand that taking care of my mother was my first priority. Then they told me and Clyde that we "qualified" for the 15 minute rule. I believe they just needed to get their numbers up. I played the game for two or three months before I stopped reporting again. Clyde never did play the game.
The idea of a certain minimum acceptable number of field service hours to qualify for any position in the congregation seems to be at variance with the Bible record of what was said to take place in the first century.
According to Ephesians 4:11, people were selected and used in the congregations based on their abilities or gifts, "And he gave SOME as apostles, SOME as prophets, SOME as evangelizers (apparantly not ALL), SOME as shepherds and teachers.
The account in Luke 21:2 regarding the poor widow who dropped "two small coins of very little value" into the congregations "treasury chest" seems to indicate that if one are doing all that they can, then that is sufficient.
Not surprisingly, the "quota" is just a rule made by men.
Shamus said: Pioneer is 90 hours per month, aux. pioneeer is 60 hours per month, and I believe special pioneer is 120 hours per month.
Shamus, hang your head in shame! Obviously you haven't been "paying close attention" at the meetings!!
Regular pioneers now only have to
fakeget 70 hours a monthAux. pioneers
fakeare 50 hours a month -
Thanks everybody. I got what I needed to know.
I can remember ,as a lad, when 10 hours a month was a real quota, not a goal .. you were expected to report 10 hours unless you were infirm
There was a huge chart at the front of the hall, full of figures and reports . The congo was supposed to show a 10% increase in publisher numbers every May, or you got a bad report from the Circuit Servant. Among the brothers you would often hear comments like " How are you doing for your 10 hours this month?"
Of course that was when it was the "Fastest growing religion in the world"