I understand they were banned in AD 390 because of their PAgan origins by a Roman Emperior,therefore should jws take part in the Olympics?
Should jws take part inthe Olympics?
by badboy 6 Replies latest jw friends
i knew a jw in my congregation growing up, a sprinter, who got offered to run for england (he was that fast) but turned it down because of the 'truth'.
but 10 years later in intercongregation rugby matches it was okay for him to out run everyone.
i think the whole thing is absurd.
the williams sisters seems to be doing fine as jw olympians.
yes....it should be a requirement for baptism.
Sure, they could particiapte in the "Pioneer Shuffle"
@ RR
This year's Olympics have touched me in such a special way. For the first time I have been able to watch them without a critical eye thinking that these young people are wasting their time by giving so much of themselves to their sport instead of Jehowah and that one day they will just be dead.
I am now marveling at the commitments they have made to excel in their sports and enjoy each and every one of the stories shared with the viewers on their lives. Their young, healthy bodies reflect the mindset that it takes to move forward and compete in this way. The satisfaction they receive from having made it that far must be tremendous and what a life experience it is for them to learn and grow from.
With an Olympic family history of my own, that was denied ever having existed due to dubism taking over, I now cry tears of joy that our exit can awaken so many new feelings.