I have been trying to make points with some in my congregation by dropping neutral hints, such as: “Did you know since 1985 we (they) do not baptize in the name of the ‘father, the son, and the holy spirit’ but we have taken holy spirit out of the process and placed the ‘spirit directed organization’ into the picture?”
I told several on their way to the convention to look for this as well as the emphasis in the drama on loyalty to the organization. I haven’t been to the convention this year but may have to persevere through one more because two folks came back telling me they did not hear any emphasis on “organization”. Now, I know there is some liberty taken by the speakers at each convention, but not pushing loyalty to the borg is not a liberty the average convention speaking will get away with.
You who have some knowledge on this matter may be able to clarify this for me. I anticipate the approach to this issue has become a more artful deception. In the fall the GB separated itself from all legal entities and stuffed it's new toolbox with a total of 7 corporations in this country. If I remember correctly the main corp over the rank and file is the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Inc. Is this new game being played the discontinuation of the terms “organization” and “Society” now replaced with the innocuous phrase the “Christian Congregation”. If this is what has happened, it has worked, because these semi astute ‘doubters’ are coming back thinking the talks simply encouraged loyalty to the local Christian Congregation and the lead of the elders, while the borg is really talking about their legal entity the “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Inc”. Any thoughts??