Contact with My Family

by BhamDove 5 Replies latest social family

  • BhamDove

    Hello fellow ex-jws

    I need advice.I whish to see my family. I'm an ex-jw, but not disfellowshiped. Basically the problem is my parents are refuseing to allow me to vist them and stay under their roof.Because I now attend a Anglican Church. Does any body no about this rule they in sist is from the soceity and quote a passage about aposates in second letter of John. If any can advise or tell me more please do. I would like to establish normal family life before they die. Will I be able to atten funeral.

  • jgnat

    I am sorry that your family choses to treat you this way. If they chose to go beyond what is written, there is not much you can do. You can try to send them articles from their own literature, but if they still have nothing to do with you, you are stuck. Often older people cannot keep up with current light, so they chose to be safe rather than sorry.

    Of course, there is nothing keeping you from being a loving child, even if the caring is one-way. Maybe start with small note cards telling them how important they are to you. Perhaps over time they will soften their stand.

    This is from the Jehovah's Witness website. I copied this from Quotes' excellent site:

    *** Official Jehovah's Witnesses Media Relations Web Site, August 28, 2003 ***


    Beliefs?Frequently Asked Questions


    Do you shun former members?

    Those who become inactive in the congregation, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, special effort is made to reach out to them and rekindle their spiritual interest. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkeness, stealing or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence. The Bible clearly states: 'Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.' (1 Corinthians 5:13)

  • kls

    I am sorry your family feel's the need to treat you like an outcast

  • Nocturne

    First off, welcome to JWD BhamDove.

    I'm sorry to say this, but there is a rule that covers your situation. Basically, if elders became aware of your involvement with the Anglican Church they can disfellowship you (or is it dissociate you), i think it's dissociate you because according to the wts, by your actions you indicate that you no longer wish to be a jws.

    But since you are not officially df'd or da'd, technically they shouldn't be shunning you, but jws tend to do whatever they want. If you want a relationship with them, it is really up to them in this case whether they want to or not. You'll be able to attend the funeral of your relatives, they can't force you out of the kh.

  • garybuss

    It's an old story called the unlovable parents. They try to inflict pain on us by making themselves unlovable as well as unapproachable in many cases. In my opinion, these are mean people and not deserving the love they block. In the end many of these willfully mean parents are the ones to suffer. . . .and in my opinion, that's the way it should be.

    Many of us, I bet all of us, are willing to care for and love our Witness parents, children, and relatives. It's them that make that not possible for many of people like me. If they wish to be alone and unloved, I hope they get their wish granted.

    All my connections are on my terms and they need to realize that or die being remembered as mean bigots.

  • codeblue


    I am so sorry your parents are acting this way...they have been conditioned by the WTBS...NOT the Bible...please keep that in mind.

    Yes, keep sending them notes or cards to show how much you LOVE them. Any parent with half a heart has got to realize that is is NORMAL to love your child regardless of religious issues.......................

    many hugs to you,


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