My JW ex-wife called to talk to one of the kids. They were not home, and she sounded agitated as usual. She had a really nasty tone, very angry with a tinge of self-righteousness. I once overheard a conversation she had with one of my daughters when she thought I was not listening and she sounded to offensive and angry. Constantly asking loaded questions and trying to trip our daughter up. What a bitch, I thought.
I asked her why she sounded so mad all the time. Before she could answer, I followed up with, "hey, aren't you one of Jehovah's Witnesses?"
She was speechless. When she did start to speak again her tone had noticeably changed. She sounded a bit nicer, but with much effort. She had put on her kingdom hall voice all of the sudden.
I think I will ask her that same question each and every time she speaks to me or the kids in that tone. While it might get her to think a whole lot, it will break her pattern.