G'day all,
Well, how would you be this fair weekend? Mrs Ozzie and I have been enjoying the Olympics - it seems many others have, too!
Watching the Australian crowd jubilantly (raucously?) singing out the national anthem (It's "Advance Australia Fair" in case you didn't know.) brought to mind those embarrassing moments spent whenever we were somewhere and the national anthem played. Everyone stood and .....well, what did you do? That's the question in this week's poll. So are you ready? Nice drink at hand? Good. Then let's begin.
This weekend's poll question is:
What did you do when the national anthem was played?
1. Remained seated. (hmmmmm! )
2. Stood with everyone else. (naughty, naughty!)
3. Spent the time seated, looking through my bag as if I'd lost something.
4. Went out to the toilets.
5. Came in late.
6. Waited outside until the anthem was over, then came in.
7. Just didn't attend.
8. Stood talking with friends.
9. Shuffled around in seat.
10. Other (please detail)
So what did you do? Enjoy your reminiscing.........and do tell us!
Cheers, Ozzie