Ozzie's Weekend Poll #108 (National anthems)

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Well, how would you be this fair weekend? Mrs Ozzie and I have been enjoying the Olympics - it seems many others have, too!

    Watching the Australian crowd jubilantly (raucously?) singing out the national anthem (It's "Advance Australia Fair" in case you didn't know.) brought to mind those embarrassing moments spent whenever we were somewhere and the national anthem played. Everyone stood and .....well, what did you do? That's the question in this week's poll. So are you ready? Nice drink at hand? Good. Then let's begin.

    This weekend's poll question is:

    What did you do when the national anthem was played?

    1. Remained seated. (hmmmmm! )

    2. Stood with everyone else. (naughty, naughty!)

    3. Spent the time seated, looking through my bag as if I'd lost something.

    4. Went out to the toilets.

    5. Came in late.

    6. Waited outside until the anthem was over, then came in.

    7. Just didn't attend.

    8. Stood talking with friends.

    9. Shuffled around in seat.

    10. Other (please detail)

    So what did you do? Enjoy your reminiscing.........and do tell us!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • blondie

    6, 10

    Arranged to stay standing until the anthem was over.

    Once a sister I know was forced by a new teacher to be seated for a school program rather than coming in afterwards. Knowing her predicament, her fellow classmates all stayed seated for the flag parade and national anthem in a show of solidarity (it was the late 60's you know). What an uproar that made. Administration instructted the teacher to let her come in late.

    I have few reasons now to worry about the anthem, I don't go to sports events and that is about the only place I know that it is played nowadays.


  • hillbilly

    My folks converted when I was 10, and I tended to be a patriotic kid... so I was really torn and sat in shame till i was about 16 or 17..... Then I made it a point to be standing... after I while I began to sing the "Star Spangled Bannner" with the relish and gusto any good American feels when they hear it played. I get some looks when I sing it today in a crowd...who cares!

    I guess I never was a very good JW.... maybe they ARE glad I'm out.

    Hill (America right or wrong, No, but it my country class)

  • Glenmore

    Usually #6 although I did a number 1 "accidentally" at an NHRA meet, the folks around me thought it was because I a was a Brit. It was uncomfortable.

  • Mulan

    We did a variety of them. We tried to avoid it but sometimes we were caught unawares, and forgot it would be played.

    What did you do when the national anthem was played?

    1. Remained seated. (hmmmmm! )

    3. Spent the time seated, looking through my bag as if I'd lost something.

    4. Went out to the toilets.

    5. Came in late.

    6. Waited outside until the anthem was over, then came in.

    7. Just didn't attend.

    9. Shuffled around in seat.

  • jgnat

    After I told him he wasn't supposed to, my JW hubby ran for the toilets. Number 4.

  • Gopher

    I think the JW "rule" was that if you were ALREADY standing and the national anthem started playing, you didn't need to take the "special" action of sitting down. (However, if you were already sitting, you were stuck!!)

    So I did both #2 and #6 (waited in the corridors until the last line of "The Star-Spangled Banner".

    Does anyone remember...when Venus and Serena Williams won the gold medal for doubles tennis in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, what did they do when it came time to stand for the American anthem? Did they put their hands over their hearts, or even mouth the words? I remember they paraded around the court with the American flag.

  • Princess

    What Mulan said

    We usually tried to stay in the corridors until the anthem was over. Now we stand and sing. I'm still having a hard time with the flag salute though. I have done it, but it feels odd.

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