Public Talks - why so stale and repetitive?

by truthseeker 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthseeker

    After reading Blueblades post on public meeting talk titles, I got to thinking that we must have heard the same public talks over and over again. If there are 151 public talk outlines, that means we must have heard each one, once every three years.

    A few stand out in my mind...

    Parents - Are You Building With Fire Resistant Materials?

    Gaining Comfort Among All Our Tribulations

    Good News In A Violent World

    Who Are Qualified As Ministers of God

    how often do they introduce NEW talks? Do the elders have any leeway in adding their own subject matter? Are these talks REALLY for the public, or just another guilt inducing indocrination session?

  • gumby
    If there are 151 public talk outlines, that means we must have heard each one, once every three years.

    They do not go in order. You might hear the same talk 5 times in a year. Each speaker has a list of prefered talks they give. When a speaker is assigned a talk, he might have the SAME talk a brother just gave 3 months ago.


  • blondie

    truthseeker, this is how it works. When an elder is appointed, he usually has done one maybe two talks as a MS. Then the elder coordinating the talks might offer him one or two more talks to work up. The most talks I have seen one elder have is 20 and he was an ex-CO.

    Then the talk coordinator coordinates with the talk coordinator in other congregations.

    TC #1: We need someone who can do talk #30

    TC #2: We don't have anyone who gives that, how about #22.

    TC #1: We had that one last month; how about #72.

    TC #2: We don't have anyone who gives that, how about #88.

    TC #1: We had that one 2 months ago; how about #15.

    TC #2: We don't have anyone who gives that....

    TC #1: breaks in; what talks can they give.

    So basically, you get to hear the talks the TC's give out and the elders develop, usually very few.

    So you hear the same talks over and over.

    I used to know when one brother came that it would be one of 3 talks.

    I knew when one brother came it was time to be gone that weekend.

    I knew when brothers from a certain congregation came, it was time to go on a month's vacation.


    **This does not mean that a talk can't be new and still boring.

  • truthseeker

    Thanks Blondie, Gumby for that info.

    In my hall, many of the MS's start off with symposium talks - they do 20mins, and an elder finished off. After a couple of times of this, the MS is then ready for a fully fledge public talk.

  • blondie

    They do it that way here too, truthseeker.

    But then when they become an elder they can only give 1/2 a talk.


  • StinkyPantz

    My father had one talk he perfected.. so I heard it over and over again year after year because he used it at our KH and when he was a visiting speaker. I knew it so well, I could've given it .

  • micheal
    Public Talks - why so stale and repetitive?

    No one ever accused the watchtower of being fun and innovative.

  • little witch
    little witch

    IMHO the dubs have bastardized their own dogma from other denominations over the years in order to stand out as different. This gives them a loyal following of people who rely on every word and teaching.

    They have trouble changing those teachings because as everyone knows, it is hard to maintain a lie. The lie gets bigger and bigger. If they change anything, the followers can just look back a few years at the literature and see the drastic change. That would be tragic! The whole facade of gods sole channel would be in jeopardy!

    Most churches stay relevant and current with changing society, and current issues that effect the members. They main goal for them is to give comfort and advice. To make sermons meaningful and appropriate. Not so with the tower....The idea they wish to convey is stand out, be unique, keep door knocking and getting donations. Keep giving and working for us! That is why it is stale. Their agenda has not changed since the days of Rutherford.

  • Soledad
    Public Talks - why so stale and repetitive?

    that makes a great title for a public talk!!

  • Gretchen956
    The lie gets bigger and bigger. If they change anything, the followers can just look back a few years at the literature and see the drastic change.

    oh, wait, you CAN back up a few years in the literature and see the drastic change.



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