Young dubs move away to hide wrongdoing?

by sawthelight 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sawthelight

    Hello all
    Sister s (from another tread)was being sent off to live with her grandparents to get her away from her worldly boyfriend. This type of situation also ocurred in my area and i was wondering how prevelent it was. One particular family had daughters who had model/movie star good looks and this approach was tried-unsuccessfully. I also noticed that it was the families who were stronger in the "truth" who tried this(ie the father was a M.S. or Elder. It seemed to me that having someone else do the work of keeping you family in subjection would disqualify a man from either position on the basis of the scriptural qualifications. On the flip side someone once said to me(very sarcastically) that young ones who were sent away could srew around ten times as much and no one locally had to know about it(therfore the familie's rep could go
    Any thoughts

  • closer2fine

    When I went off the pioneer list (long story - no "wrong-doing" involved) I was sent to live with JW relatives over 1000 miles away to "clear" my head. When I came back, I still had the same issues, doubts, questions and lack of faith as I did before I left. The elders still didn't have answers to my questions - so I just faded away after my parents moved out of state & I stayed.

    Actually, now that I think about it, I did have a little bit of "unauthorized" fun while I was away. tee hee shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- Steven Wright

  • sawthelight

    i'm glad to see that you are free of the borg. its to bad that the elders couldn't answer your questions but it certainly isn't surprising considering the amount of time all JWs spend not studying the bible. Concerning our discusion, did other dubs whisper behind your back saying things like "clear2fine is going through a diffiCULT time" or other condescending things. Also, did stories like i mentioned in the original thread ever come up at circuit assemblies or district conventions in you area?
    saw the light

  • closer2fine

    I don't remember any parts at meetings - but when I was away with relatives & going to the meetings the PO went out in service with me & grilled me with questions. He wanted to know why I wasn't pioneering anymore, had there been a particular event that caused me to "go off the list". (he was digging for dirt - thinking I wasn't good association for the young people in his congregation)

    When I told him that I asked to go off because of doubts eating at me - he seemed less interested and never asked me what they were - and he never tried to help me understand. The rumors circulated in this hall about the things I must have done in my old hall. Total BS.

    Back in my old hall - the rumor mill was working on overtime. By the time I moved back home - I think half the congregation expected me to be pregnant or walk in with a baby. I think they were dissappointed to see that I went off the list by CHOICE. This fact, of course, didn't stop the rumors.

    I continued to go to meetings, live at home, and get my old job back bartending. (I bartended all during my first year of pioneering - you only had to be 18 where I lived - the elders tried to come up with a reason why this wasn't an acceptable job) The rumors continued.

    After my parents moved out of state the rumors escalated. I had witnesses showing up at my work and apartment trying to get me to come back to the meetings. I finally moved and they hounded the person who moved into my old apartment. They were convinced that she was covering for me. (My former landlady called me to tell me that people were looking for me)

    Eventually I moved across the country and have never looked back. I am told that to this day my name comes up in conversation and that wild stories abound. (too bad I wasn't really that free spirited :o)

    Thanks for asking!

    If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- Steven Wright

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