Where is this promised presence of his?

by truthseeker 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Jesus, where are you?

    You arrived on this planet nigh on 2000 years ago. You were baptized at 30, preached for 3 1/2 years, cured the sick, resurrected the dead, opened the way for salvation. You gave us hope and freedom from the law (if you happened to be Jewish back then)

    You took our hand and showed us the way to the Father. You gave us a hope.

    We've all missed you.

    I waited patiently while the Watchtower said you arrived in 1914.

    You never came.

    I waited patiently while the Watchtower said you would arrive in 1925.

    You never came.

    I waited patiently while the Watchtower said your Millenial Reign would start in 1975.

    You never came.

    I was one of the Generation of 1914.

    I was one of those that would not die before the "conclusion of the system of things."

    You never came.

    The Society said 1984.

    You never came.

    The Society extended my generation to 1994.

    Still you never came.

    I sold books written by your Father, the "Editor of the Watchtower."

    Where were you?

    My parents are long dead.

    My siblings are dead.

    My Generation has gone on for 90 years

    Now I'm in a nursing home

    Watching the clock tick

    Watching the years go by

    Till the day I die.

  • kls

    It is only in the books of the WT and the blind ones that follow. I am sure there are many who have this prayer on their mind as they gaze out the window of their nursing home .

    Very thought provoking post and so very sad and real.

  • myelaine

    Dear Truthseeker,

    If you are patiently waiting for Jesus to return, your reward is with Him. If you are patiently waiting for the WBTS time predictions to come true, you are in for a long wait. Wait patiently on the Lord. Romans 8:25. But if we hope for what we do not see, we keep on waiting for it with endurance.

    love michelle

  • JH

    Like my parents would say, "where in the bible do they talk about 1914 or any other date?"

    Jesus never gave a date, but said to "wait". The Watchtower is guilty of saying things, Jesus didn't say.

  • Carmel

    Keep lookin TS! "It's out there!"


  • SAHS


    Your pain is shared by over six million followers, and is rather unfortunate. I agree with everything you wrote except:

    . . . your Father, the "Editor of the Watchtower."

    I believe ?Father? is really ?WBTS of NY, INC. ? (with emphasis on the ?INC.??incorporated; i.e., book buplishing/selling company). When you think of it, this really does put things into perspective.


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