JW speaks for all French JW's

by Jonathan Drake 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Click the link on the page at the top next to "Re:" for full story. 

    I wonder if this guy had permission to address the media on Watchtowers response? Straight up called the guy a fool.

  • Splash
    Angry! They are always so hostile and angry! It's a very unpleasant trait.
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    DISCLAIMER: I do not seek to encourage any to take up commenting on the article I posted above.

    OMG, anyone willing please check the comment section of that article. Maybe you won't get as much of a kick out of it as I am, but I find it hilarious. The one commenter blatantly contradicted himself and he probably doesn't even feel that he did.

  • wannabefree

    Jonathan, I have read your comments at that site and in my opinion, you are trying to twist what is said and trying to provoke.

    But that's my opinion.

    JW's aren't trying to prevent the public from celebrating holidays.  You know that they share their beliefs in the PUBLIC ministry but they don't get engaged in preventing non-JWs from having holidays.

    We do not look to stop people from practicing their holiday's whether public or private, we just want people to respect our conscience in abstaining.
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Jonathan, I have read your comments at that site and in my opinion, you are trying to twist what is said and trying to provoke.

    But that's my opinion.

    JW's aren't trying to prevent the public from celebrating holidays.  You know that they share their beliefs in the PUBLIC ministry but they don't get engaged in preventing non-JWs from having holidays.

    We do not look to stop people from practicing their holiday's whether public or private, we just want people to respect our conscience in abstaining.

    The entire point of their door to door work (which is public in nature) is to convert people. Hence it is, in fact, an effort to stop them from celebrating holidays as well as many other things - including, but not limited to, dying instead of accepting blood.

  • wannabefree

    The entire point of their door to door work is to convert people.

    And they are so successful with that aren't they?  What does that have to do with forcing NON-JW's from celebrating holidays?  What school has been picketed by JW's insisting that the entire school stop the flag salute or stop celebrating holidays?

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    The entire point of their door to door work is to convert people.

    And they are so successful with that aren't they?  What does that have to do with forcing NON-JW's from celebrating holidays?  What school has been picketed by JW's insisting that the entire school stop the flag salute or stop celebrating holidays?

    The point of a protest is not to force (which would not be "peaceful" and therefore illegal) but to convince and bring about change. His argument was that they do not try to convince. I demonstrated that they do. He was lying. 

    Regardless of their success rate, it doesn't stop them from going door to door in an effort to convince others of their cause and their rightness so that they join them. He was saying they do not do this at all, regardless of whether or not they succeed. 

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    I just realized that it's not in francem it's a response to the other article (which I knew) which was written by someone with the last name French. Lol

    still, fun times,

  • stillin
    If they believe that they have a lifesaving message, they really SHOULD tell people about it. The problem is that they are wrong and are being led along by their self-appointed leaders.
  • Godsendconspirator
    I started studying in high school. I got baptized shortly after graduation. My friends that I grew up say that as I became a JW, I became easily angered and offended at everything. I never noticed. Neither have any other JW. And I dislike their humblebrag attitude. They go to "religious services regularly and participating in our door-to-door ministry activities" as if to subtly preach their dedication without being too brazen.

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