I know growing up there were certain unsaid rules about dating....I always had to have a chaperone or go in a group....Can anyone think of all the obligatory rules that you had to follow....and did you follow them "word for word"?
Are there "Rules" to Dating a JW? Why?
by MelbaToast 9 Replies latest jw friends
fleaman uk
1 of the most ridiculous rules was the ol,keeping the front door open if you were alone with a member of the opposite sex!Closely followed by not being in a Car on your own with a Girl..even on FS!!!As if we were going to do return visits then pull over for some nookie... anyway you shoulda seen some of the minger,prudey Pioneer partners i was with...ye gods!
If JW couples play it by the book, then the first time they ever get to be alone together is on their honeymoon. They may have kissed before that, but only to show affection, never as an act of passion (I guess that means no tongues!)
rules as I had em:
1. No dating until proper marrying age (18 by my parents book)
2. No dates without a chaperone all the time. (Course, it helped if you were chaperoned by another couple ;-))
3. My parents would not let me call boys, they had to call me (which of course, they did)
4. No talking on the internet
5. Date had to bring me home before chaperone left.
6. No traveling to other halls for friends (boy or girl) (this was a nazi rule if I ever had one)
7. Hand holding in public was a no-no
8. my mothers own rule: no skirts on dates, I could only wear pants (I guess this was to ensure that there was no "easy" access)hmmm...never worked
Anyothers have any dumbass rules?
everything was a no no.. god I am glad to be out and have a normal dating life
Lady Lee
- Isn't there a new one about text messaging being considered a "date"?
- Absolutely no dating non-JWs
- Or going to anything but g-rated movies
- when I was young - eons ago, parties had to be chaperoned (not sure parties are even allowed anymore)
- no dress up get-tethers - too much like halloween
- no gifts or best wishes for birthdays, holidays etc.
Lady Lee said:
- Isn't there a new one about text messaging being considered a "date"?
They go even further then that. They say that if you are having private conversations with the opposite sex (be it by text messaging, the popular IM programs like MSN and Yahoo, by phone or by letter) that it is like you are dating the other person.
I once heard a CO say that talking on the phone with another single person constituted "phone dating". May the dating gods have mercy on who is trying to date nowadays....
I just had a funny thought. Can a person be drug in front of the judical committee if they have been having telephone sex and disfellowshipped. Now wouldn't that be a hoot. LOL LOL
Actually, Balsam, that has been discussed on this DB. Evidently, the WTS has changed its policy and if a person were talking on the phone or over the internet with someone and masturbating, they could be DF'd....Hmmmm