femal prisoners

by Kent 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    Here is a little something to show the Watchtower is working hard to spread their false history!

    The original URL is:

    femal prisoners/additional information
    Wrobel, Johannes [email protected]
    Wed, 14 Feb 2001 11:11:24 +0100

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    For the benefit of those who have asked for additional information, here the
    following concerning the below mentioned German book by the historians Hans
    Hesse and Juergen Harder: The work has three parts.
    Part I: Academic material and research results concerning female
    concentration camp prisoners in the Moringen (1933-1938), Lichtenburg
    (1933-1939), and Ravensbrueck (1939-1945) women concentration camps.
    Part II: Twenty-seven German poems written by imprisoned JW women, including
    a long, detailed poem describing the cruel treatment of JW women at
    Ravensbrueck concentration camp by the SS in the winter of 1939 after the
    women's refusal to do work for the benefit of the German army.
    Part III: Seven extensive autobiographical life stories of imprisoned women,
    for example, by Erna Ludolph from Luebeck (who was in all three women
    concentration camps, and after 1945, saw again religious persecution, this
    time by the communists of East Germany), Gertrud Poetzinger, and others.

    [GERMAN: Das unten erwaehnte Buch besteht aus drei Teilen. Teil I:
    Fachbeitrag der Historiker Hans Hesse und Juergen Harder zu den weiblichen
    Haeftlingen in Moringen, Lichtenburg und Ravensbrueck. Teil II: 27 Gedichte
    von inhaftierten Frauen, unter anderem ein langes, eindrucksvolles Gedicht
    mit der Beschreibung der unmenschlichen Behandlung der Bibelforscher durch
    die SS in Ravensbrueck im Winter 1939, nachdem die Frauen Arbeiten abgelehnt
    hatten, die den Soldaten an der Front dienen sollten. Teil III: Sieben
    Autobiographien von inhaftierten Frauen, zum Beispiel von Erna Ludolph aus
    Luebeck (die in allen drei Frauen-KZ war und nach 1945 in der DDR erneut die
    Verfolgung, diesmal durch die Kommunisten, erlebte), Gertrud Poetzinger und

    Some have asked whether there is an English book on the subject. During
    April/May this year, we expect the publishing of an English standard work
    that will have over 20 different academic articles written by historians.
    The preface of the book is written by Dr. Michael Berenbaum, other articles
    are by Professor Dr. Henry Friedlander, Dr. Sybil Milton, Dr. Detlef Garbe
    (Neuengamme concentration camp memorial), and others. BIBLIOGRAPHY:
    Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses during Nazi Regime
    1933-1945, by Hans Hesse (Ed.), published by Edition Temmen Publishing
    House, ( [email protected]) Bremen, Germany. English edition: ISBN
    3-86108-750-2, German edition 3-86108-724-3. The work is not yet listed at
    http://www.buchhandel.de, but will so hopefully soon.

    More English material:
    - The Other Victims. First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the
    Nazis, by Ina R. Friedman, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1990, chapter
    4: Elisabeth's Family: Twelve Jehovah's Witnesses Faithful Unto Death, pp.
    - REVIEWS: Jehovah's Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault, video (78
    mins.) and teaching pack, New York: ... 1996, in: The Journal of Holocaust
    Education, vol. 6, autumn 1997, number 2, by Petra Newman, Queen Mary and
    Westfield College, London. (See also
    - Paying the Price of Resistance: Jehovah's Witnesses, in: The Nazi Terror.
    The Gestapo, Jews, and ordinary Germans, by Eric A. Johnson, published by
    Basic Books, United States, and John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1999, 2000,
    pp. 238-250.

    Johannes S. Wrobel
    Selters/Taunus, Germany
    February 14, 2001

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Wrobel, Johannes < [email protected]>
    > To: ' [email protected]' < [email protected]>
    > Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 10:02 AM
    > Subject: [Holocaust] new book on femal concentration camp prisoner's group
    > Dear Colleagues, To those who read German, I would like to bring to your
    > attention an academic book, published this month, that contains recent
    > research results about the female concentration camp prisoners of one of
    > the so-called "other victims" groups: Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) or
    > Bibelforscher
    > (Bible Students) who wore the purple triangle of prisoners in camp. Among
    > the 4.000 JW concentration camp prisoners were over 1.200 women (30%),
    > mainly in the Lichtenburg, Moringen, and Ravensbrueck women concentration
    > camps.
    > Bibliography. "Und wenn ich lebenslang in einem KZ bleiben muesste ..."
    > Die
    > Zeuginnen Jehovas in den Frauenkonzentrationslagern Moringen, Lichtenburg
    > und Ravensbrueck, by Hans Hesse/Juergen Harder, published by Klartext
    > Verlag Essen ( [email protected]), about 400 pages, many photographs,
    > bound
    > volume, ca. 42 DM / 307 oeS. ISBN 3-88474-935-8. Contact for Europe:
    > www.buchhandel.de.
    > Background Information. Quote from Professor Dr. Wolfgang Benz, Zentrum
    > fuer Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universitaet Berlin (Research
    > Center
    > for Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin): "Jehovah's Witnesses. The
    > religious community numbering 25,000 souls in Germany was banned in 1933.
    > About half of them continued their 'preaching work' underground. Jehovah's
    > Witnesses refused to give the Hitler salute and especially refused
    > military
    > service. They were persecuted mercilessly. About 10,000 were arrested. The
    > resistance of this group, which also tried to inform the population about
    > the criminal character of the Nazi state by distributing leaflets in the
    > years 1936/37 and thus acted against the regime of injustice beyond their
    > own interests, cost them about 1,200 lives."- Source: "Informationen zur
    > politischen Bildung," no. 243, (1994): Deutscher Widerstand 1933-1945, p.
    > 21, published by the German government (Bundeszentrale fuer politische
    > Bildung). Educational material for schools you find in English under
    > http://www.disc.co.uk/standfirm/ or in the booklet on JW published by the
    > USHMM ( http://www.ushmm.org/ or go to
    > http://www.holocaust-trc.org/Jehovah.htm; in Germany, schools may order
    > the
    > professional material published by RAABE Verlag,
    > http://raabe.de/hd/hd_ges_akt.html.
    > FROM: Johannes S. Wrobel, Watchtower History Archives, Geschichtsarchiv
    > der
    > Zeugen Jehovas, Wachtturm-Gesellschaft, D-65618 Selters/Taunus, Germany.
    > Email: [email protected]; [email protected]


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    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • gsark

    Somebody is up late.

    By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.

  • Prisca
    Somebody is up late

    or at his normal waking hours.....

    Depends on what part of the world you are, gsark

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