Expressions RE: chronology (A.D. etc)

by Aaac 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aaac

    There's a lively debate going on about expressions RE: chronology on the Finnish H2O. Now, what expressions does the original English Watchtower use about time before and after Jesus' birth? A.D. is not used, right? What is the syndrome to avoid all Christ-based expressions? Is it this all-time denial of Christ?

    In Finnish Watchtower, commonly used e.Kr. and j.Kr. (before and after Christ), are replaced with eaa. (Before common chronology's start) and ya. (common chronology). They avoid to use "Christ".

    So, what expressions do they use in Watchtower?

  • Haereticus

    I goofed, double post

  • Haereticus


    As far as my memory is serving me this change took place around mid sixties. That is when they BC and AD were replaced by CE and BCE.


  • Aaac

    I know that you know a lot of the Wittness history. What was the reason to change those abbrevitations? Did JW theology become particularly more Jesus-denying during those years?

  • Haereticus

    Moi taas >>I know that you know a lot of the Wittness history. Sheer fallacy, just pretending >> What was the reason to change those abbrevitations? Did JW theology become particularly more Jesus-denying during those years? I recall reading a pre-sixties article in Watctower where this CE-definition was connected to jews and to their stand as to avoid recognition of Jesus. As far as I remember there was no actual explanation by the time this change took place and for some time they used CE and AD concurrently. One reason that I could think of is that BC is not accurate as long as Jesus's birth is supposed to take place before this period named Before Christ had come to an end. Make Kynttilä valmiina vigiliaan - luokan edustaja

  • Aaac

    "Kynttilä valmiina vigiliaan - luokan edustaja"

    In English: A Candle Readily Available for a Vigil - Class ( for those murdered Meza girls and 9.9.)

    Hej jag vet att man borde prata engelska här men så kan man också snacka vadän man vill troligen...

    I know that you should speak English here but it seems that you can speak whatever language you will... I respect your knowledge and conception so much! But I'd like to see you humble yourself a little... and come to speak to H2O... with us sinners... in Finnish... You once came with your photo, please come back - you are so valuable.

  • Haereticus

    >>Hej jag vet att man borde prata engelska här men så kan man också snacka vadän man vill troligen...

    Helre finska jos minulta kysytään

    >>and come to....

    I am still a registered user of H2O but find it extremely impossible to input anything as long as this aftermath of konginkangasuhrihässäkkä is still hovering over my head.


    Right now one of the well under way - class

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