Do you know who I miss reading on this site?
Well, I miss Bruce, who always made the same post about the 144,000 replacing the fallen angels. He was a real gent who's probably found out if his theory was correct by now. If he hasn't then thats taken care of the life after death theory.
But there are some living posters that I would really love to see around. Gedanken was on of my favourites, he always had a wry wit and incredible insight. He kept his distance but his posts were gems.
Radar was also great fun, earthy and incredibly sarcastic, one always had the feeling that he was on the brink of the surreal. I wonder where he disappeared to.
Seeker 4 put in a brief appearance from H20 but then just sorta vanished , a great loss to all.
I'm sure there's loads more names that we'd like to see on the board, maybe they just need a prod to start producing the goods again. Who'd you like to see make a guest visit?
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.