Belief in God

by desib77 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    My husband and I were laying awake last night discussing religon and life and afterlife. I asked myself what I believe in and came to only one conclusion. I believe that there is a God. I don't have any other beliefs than that. I don't know if I believe the Bible or Jesus as the savior. I don't know if I believe that there is an afterlife. I don't know if I even believe that God takes an active part in our life. My only belief is that there had to be a beginning.

    Is there anyone else who feels this way? Is there a term for someone who believes in God and not much else?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yeah that pretty much sums up what I believe right now. I'm not really interested in doctrines (been there done that). Right now I'm more interested in the basics of God (love your neighbor, so forth).

    I do tend to think that something happens after death, but I'm not sure what I believe does happen.

  • desib77
    I do tend to think that something happens after death, but I'm not sure what I believe does happen.

    I agree that something probably does happen after death. But as I was thinking about this last night I just decided that no one will ever really know what happens or what is true or right. I decided that the only thing that I should do is live my life to the fullest and not worry about all the doctrines. I don't think that God will punish me for not knowing what happens when I die or whether he is a Trinity or not. I'm not even really sure that God will punish.

    You wouldn't believe how much better I feel this morning. It is like everything in my mind has been simplified into one belief. I believe in God.

  • Gopher

    This may be the term for which you are looking:

    AUDIO: dzm, d- KEY NOUN:The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation. ETYMOLOGY:French déisme, from Latin deus, god. See dyeu- in Appendix I.OTHER FORMS:deist ? NOUN
    de·istic ? ADJECTIVE
    de·isti·cal·ly ? ADVERB
  • desib77
    The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

    Thanks, Gopher. That is pretty much what I believe. I'm not positive that he completely abandoned us. He may even watch over the earth. I just don't think he helps some people out by blessing them and then leaves others to starve or live in poverty.

  • Gopher
    I just don't think he helps some people out by blessing them and then leaves others to starve or live in poverty.

    I don't have enough faith to believe that the Creator blesses or curses people. He (assuming masculine gender) is unwilling or unable to do so, despite claims by religions to the contrary, IMHO.

  • Netty

    Desib, I believe just like you do. I know I believe there is a God, and am lost as far as all the other stuff. I think of course, something must have to happen to us after we die, but what?? Good question. Dont know what they would call us, if they had to come up for a name for us. But good to know there is more than a few of us, whatever we are, out there.

  • bebu

    I think the term you are looking for is "theism", which includes deism, monotheism, polytheism, etc., under it. A general belief in the existence of God.

    I decided that the only thing that I should do is live my life to the fullest and not worry about all the doctrines. I don't think that God will punish me for not knowing what happens when I die or whether he is a Trinity or not. I'm not even really sure that God will punish.

    I have "doctrines", but one of the stronger ones is that my having "correct" doctrines/knowledge is not what God ultimately cares about about. Did Abraham view God as a trinity? Did Moses believe in hell? I think "Just 2 Laws" sums things up nicely... and that forgiveness (mercy)/ apologizing (humbleness) are the 2 sides of the currency of love. Jesus makes sense to me in that language.


  • desib77
    But good to know there is more than a few of us, whatever we are, out there.

    LOL....I couldn't agree more.

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