John Kerry fans, are you aware of this information? Click below.
Guest 77
by Golf 6 Replies latest social current
John Kerry fans, are you aware of this information? Click below.
Guest 77
As sad as it sounds I'd vote for a Ficus plant if it had a chance of winning the presidency from George W.
yes Golf, it is very interesting stuff, and I remember the vietnam era. I have read quite a bit of it, mostly i'm interested in what happened after he left Veitnam. Expect it all to be public very soon. These vets are not giving up.
it's not so much that i'm a "John Kerry fan", it's just that bush is such an ignoramus. like Tuesday said, it doesn't matter who i'm voting's who i'm not voting for. then again, i vote in texas so my anti-bush vote means absolutely, positively nothing.
bush ONE thing in this country that he has improved since he took office. his leadership in the "war on terror"? sorry folks, but if that war even exists (which is debatable) we're losing. over 1,000 US casualties in Iraq? (not to mention hundreds more civilian casualties than in 9/11) c'mon, man. that's not a very positive stat, right? Kerry is a dumb ass too but why not let someone else give it a shot. why does bush deserve another chance?
if i don't do a good job at work, i get fired. not because they have someone lined up that they are positive will do better than me but because i blew my shot at it. time to move on. besides, if it's true that god really did 'appoint' bush to be president, he's already lost my vote.
over 1,000 US casualties in Iraq? (not to mention hundreds more civilian casualties than in 9/11)
what about the thousands of Iraqi civilians who have died in this conflict? Does anyone know how many Iraqis have died since this horrible- uncalled for -Bush war began? I read somewhere over 15,000. At least 5 times more than was killed on 9/11. Are Iraqi children, women and innocent men's lives worth less than the life of one American?
Has someone heard what Russia's Putin answered to the Bush Government yesterday or the day before when told by the US that he should consider diplomacy and talks with the terrorists who killed over 300 kids in that school ? I don't have the exact words but he said, "why don't you Americans sit down with Osama Bin Laden and talk with him and ask what he wants you to do to stop the violence...."
Here is the exact quote from President Putin:
"Would you invite Osama bin Laden to the White House or to Brussels and hold talks with him and let him dictate what he wants?" Putin snapped, according to journalists and foreign policy analysts who were invited to his country residence outside Moscow on Monday night. He quickly added: "But you tell us that we should talk to everyone, including child-killers."
yeah, that's my point exactly Celia. who are the bigger terrorists here? (from a purely civilian standpoint) we've slaughtered many, many, many more of their citizens than they have killed of ours OR of their own (saddam was a monster but he didn't slaughter nearly as many iraqis as we have...and even if he did, since when is the american military interpol?).
besides, technically speaking, we can't compare our slaughter in iraq to the 9/11 tragedy since iraq had nothing to do with it. saddam never killed a single american on american soil and yet he was the greatest threat to american civilians? heck, the bully in gradeschool is a greater threat to americans than saddam was...he might steal your lunch money. and yet, we're justified in our massacre of a multitude of iraqi civilians. makes sense to me.