There's a lot of hurting manifest on this board. I've been there, with Witness relatives and friends shunning me ( more or less).
As you encounter these people, it may be easiest to kindly remind them of the near future of Jehovah's Witnesses:
In ten years, the average Witness will be about the same as any other religion.
Yes, there will always be a few Witness fanatics, just as there still are in the Catholic church, despite pedophile priests
and lots of quiet erosion. Yet, change is happening and the old men who run the Watchtower are losing the next generation
of young Witnesses - with all that indicates. Contributions have dropped so that the Society has had to dump subscriptions
and food service at assemblies and most hardbound books. They dropped pioneer hours to 70 a month and dropped the
minimum for publishers to at least 15 minutes a month, as they get more desperate to hold on to the numbers they
love so much.
Sure, your relatives would be loathe to admit that things are going this way BUT that doesn't mean they can't quietly
change a bit - as long as you don't challenge them too much about it.
I appreciate reading your posts about relatives ESPECIALLY those that tell of mothers, brothers and the like suddenly
"giving" a little, attending a (worldly!) wedding, going to a baby shower or just simply communicating when that was previously
The more obvious the decay becomes in the organization, the more congregations shun the sick and depressed,
the more uncaring elders manifest themselves to be, the MORE they may come to long for the comfort of their own
flesh and blood.
Take heart, don't give up, and remember that time is on our side. Chronology and cold doctrine may pale in compelling power
compared to the cry of a newborn grandson, the celebration of a graduation, or a wedding that involves a new mate, who's much
"nicer than that brother in the 'truth' she used to be married to!".