Think about that.

by paradix 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • paradix

    We were deceived.
    We know that, true?
    But, how many things were just bullshit?
    I think now about a fact that we didn’t realized while in the BORG.
    This fact is: God always have people that served Him and people that
    Failed Him.And (this is the core of the matter)He always were warning
    His People to turn the way and make his way right.This was a continous
    Way. The beginning of the Christian Congregation didn’t change things.
    Read Corinthians: direct, hard advice. Not twisted language, just to
    The point.
    Do you realice that, in the Borg, never mention that fact?
    Magazines, books, conventions, meetings, all say the same thing: we are
    God’s People, we are learning, but we are in the way to paradise.
    Please, contrast this point of view with Jesus teachings. He taught simple
    Things, but he never said that all that joined him were right. He said:
    Look yourself, keep looking, keep trying. To say it simple, it’s up to you.
    JW don’t teach the same.
    When someone failed they act two possible ways: they hide the affair or
    They condemned people. They don’t assume that even in the God’s People allways
    Were several kinds of people. They just admit that there are active and weak,
    Spiritual or material people, pioneers or publishers. And they tend to identify
    Active with spiritual people, pioneers with spiritual, and so. The resul?: the
    Persons look to be included in some of this categories to be praiseful to others.
    Jesus, as His Father, didn’t identify people by his appearance. He didn’t care
    That. He just teach and help men to make sure themself that they are sincere.
    And He never said that just for belonging to the congregation you are this or
    I think the Borg avoid this matter just for one reason: if they admit that, the
    Loose control, the control to tell to others if they are wrong or right.
    They might feel weak in comparison with other religions, and the sense of
    How-Special-We-Are,-Aren’t-We could be vanished.
    Oh, no. We are the people that will rebuild the World from the ashes of the
    Armageddon. That don’t match with the idea of common people looking to copy
    Jesus example.
    Think about that.
    We sucked this lie. And I am keep counting....
    Love to all,
    Don’t tell me, I lived it.

  • sf

    And for some of us, we were force-fed the lie. No sucking allowed! We HAD to swallow It whole.

    Love to you too Paradix.

    In appreciation, sKally

  • Prisca

    Hi paradix

    Yes, the Society tried to pretend that the more hours you spend in field service, the more "spiritual" you are. Yet number of hours in service are no real indication of a person's faith, or love for God.

    Jesus never made rules about handing in reports, or said that pioneers were more "spiritual" than inactive ones. Can anyone even imagine him saying such things?

    They might feel weak in comparison with other religions, and the sense of How-Special-We-Are,-Aren’t-We could be vanished.

    That is one of the final straws the WTS is hanging on to, the "Special People for His Name" badge they like to carry around. For how much longer will they be able to keep their grasp on this straw? Only time will tell.

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