I'm fading away from JW's, and I hope my dub wife will fade with me and we can teach our children to be free thinking humans, not mindless automatons. But there is certainly the possibility that my "falling away" will spark something in my wife to make her take the JW religion more seriously and she'll wind up going the other way. For all I know, she'll turn me in and get me disfellowshipped.
Surely some of you are already in this situation. You're out, your spouse is still a dub, and no doubt the dub is trying to indoctrinate the children. If you have another faith, you probably want your child to at least be exposed to it. If you're an atheist, then you at least want your child to be given an opportunity to consider that the universe might not have a personal creator.
How have you worked this out? Has anything worked, and given your family some peace?
Thanks for any insights.