Attended the 50th. Class Reunion

by Undecided 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi Folks,

    I had a good time last night as I visited the old class mates from the 1954 graduation class. We only had 33 in our school class and 6 have died. There were 25 of the class there. I sat with my best friend when I was growing up, we were always together in school. He told me about something I didn't remember, he said I was passing a note to one of the girls asking for some and the teacher got the note and didn't say anything to me about it. I don't remember doing something like this, I sure didn't get any when I was in school. I can't believe I did this when I was a JW from birth, of course I wasn't the model JW either back then.

    They mentioned the senior class play and asked how many could remember who played the different characters as they described them. I remembered myself and the one who played my girlfriend. It brought back so many memories of my school days. I had so much fun in the old country school.

    One of the guys drove up from Oklahoma to attend. He used to live near where the new KH was built. His old house is falling down now.

    We had a good meal together, I hope we can all be alive for the next one.

    Ken P.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Wow, a class of 33... how fun. Our class was over 1000 with over 3,000 in the high school. I liked my 10 year reunion... but now, a few reunions later, I don't recognize anyone...hehe.

  • alias

    Dear Ken,

    How cool for you to be able to attend your reunion with so many other classmates! I'm really glad you went.

    On another note, I've been wanting to tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. Every time I see you, you remind me of my dad. He's in his mid-60s now, an elder, and estranged from me for most of my life. I doubt we'll ever reconcile in this lifetime, due to the fact that I no longer attend meetings and he never learned to connect on an emotional level with his children. Somehow though, through reading your experiences and seeing what wonderful relationship(s) you have with your children, I am comforted.

    Take care,


  • Undecided

    Hi Alias,

    Sorry about your dad. He doesn't know what he is missing in his life by being so "dubded".

    I've never had any sorrow from being a JW, almost all my relatives are dead who were JWs except my brother and he is Df'ed, so we are better friends than we ever were as JWs. I'm not shunned by the JWs here as I'm just faded away so have never felt the hurt of being ignored and had their noses turned up at me. I'm so happy to be free and able to be me. I hope he will someday see the real "truth" about life and the joy it can bring now while we are still alive.

    Ken P.

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