Please read "Chapter One" of this topic as well:
Now we understand that JWs believe that you will be resurrected with a new body, but what about your soul?
*** w90 9/1 p. 5 Does the Soul Survive Death? ***
Still, the question remains, What does happen to the soul after death? Since the soul is the person, clearly, the soul dies when the person dies. In other words, a dead person is a dead soul.
So if the soul ends, how is it reproduced?
*** w71 12/1 p. 708 Our Memory of Those Who Have Passed into Death ***
God remembers everything, and can bring the person, the same personality, actually and tangibly back to live on this earth. Since God can, if he so chooses, know before a child is born exactly what all his personality traits are?and the Bible tells of instances in which He has done this?how easy it is for God to reconstruct such one?s life pattern after he has lived and manifested these traits.
Does this apply to Jesus when he died and was resurrected?
*** w88 6/1 p. 13 Jesus Christ?God?s Beloved Son ***
After Jesus died, he was in the tomb for about three days. Who resurrected him? Since he was dead, he could not resurrect himself. And if he was not really dead, then he could not have paid the ransom for Adam?s sin. But he did die, and was nonexistent for about three days.
And now we reach the crux of my argument. Jesus, as JWs understand him, is a ?clone?, or more accurately defined, a facsimile or copy. The original Jesus that God created died in 33 AD ? and is still dead.
What is Jesus ver 2.1 doing now?
*** w73 10/15 p. 620 Cause of Humanity?s Distress Nears Removal ***
Since the birth of the Messianic kingdom in the heavens at the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, that Jesus is the reigning Messianic King.
Interesting that the ?anointed? (those with a heavenly hope) have two catgories: clones and originals.
The "clones" are those who died before 1914 ? they had to wait for Jesus to get kinged.
*** pe chap. 20 p. 173 Resurrection?for Whom, and Where? ***
So following the resurrection of Christ, the 144,000 are the next to be raised. They have part in ?the first resurrection,? or ?the earlier resurrection.? (Philippians 3:11) When does this take place? ?During his presence,? the Bible says. As we have learned in earlier chapters, Christ?s presence began in the year 1914.
The "originals" are those who die after 1914: their souls never die, they are transformed.
*** pe chap. 20 p. 173 Resurrection?for Whom, and Where? ***
When are they resurrected? They do not need to sleep in death, but they are raised immediately when they die. The Bible explains: ?We shall not all fall asleep in death, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised.??1 Corinthians 15:51, 52;
The same happens for those with an earthly hope, the only ?originals? are those who survive Armeggedon.
So how do you feel about that?
Are you looking forward to seeing your reincarnated cloned loved ones?
Do you want the opportunity to ask clones of Moses and Abraham what their ?original? life was like?
Are you proud that God cloned his Son so that Jesus ver 2.1 could reign as King?
What a strange god, playing with all his new-and-improved clones in Paradise.
*** pe chap. 30 p. 255 What You Must Do to Live Forever ***
So keep the picture of God?s promised new system of things bright in your mind and heart. Every day think about the grand prize that Jehovah God holds out to you?living forever in Paradise on earth. This is no dream. It is real!