The Oliphant cartoon Israel is screaming "Anti-Semite" about
by William Penwell 8 Replies latest social humour
I don't see how that's anti-semetic. It's stating that the US got pissed on by our supposed friend and ally, which is true. There's a difference between being Jewish and being Isreali. One is a nation, one is a religion. Though they are obviously intertwined, you can condemn the actions of a nation without condemning it's people.
William Penwell
I couldn't see it being "Anti-Semite" myself. To the Jews it seems like anything that is not pro Israel is "Anti-Semite". Its just an editorial cartoon. That guy Oliphant better watch it now otherwise he may get bombed or shot at.
Pretty funny.
not to me
nothing offensive about it, too bad it's not perceived that way
It looks spot on the money to me.
Nope, not offensive at all.
The *only* thing I would have perhaps done differently than the artist would be to make it the complete Israeli flag on the dog rather than just the star. -
I totally oppose Israel's foreign policies but I see why it's offending Jews. For one thing he's got only the star and not the flag, as someone pointed out, identifying the dog with all Jews and not just the nation of Israel.
And for another thing, Hitler and his propoganda machine strongly identified the Jews with dogs during his campaign to eliminate them. I hope that Oliphant published this cartoon in ignorance of that fact. I've always liked his work.