How were you love-bombed??????????

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 4 Replies latest jw experiences


    When I started to attend meetings I was a pregnant single mum with 2 little kids by my side.

    Some of the ways I was love-bombed were,

    • sisters fussing over the kids
    • brothers helping me move house
    • taking the kids at meetings and helping them look through the bible
    • being invited to gatherings
    • always having people talking to me after the meetings
    • sisters dropping in through the day for visits (didn't know they counted time until I was baptized)
    • being given things
    • getting soooooooo much attention, especially when the CO visited
    • sisters offering to come to court with me (re. divorce)
    • having the CO invited on my study WWWWOOOOO HHHOOOOOO

    All the above came to an abrupt end when I had the baby, lost weight and got baptized.

    So how were you love bombed?

    Cheers, Bliss

  • shamus

    Oh god yes!

    I remember getting letters from a 'kind' sister for 2 years after I moved from where I 'found' the truth. When she found out I got baptized, the letters stopped IMMEDIATELY!!!!, LOLOL! I never heard a peep from her again! What horseshit!

    Yes, when you get baptized, the love-bombing stops. I wish that they didn't love bomb me; I was depressed and lonely. Also, 'the trut' sounded like it was going to solve all my problems, including my sexuality.

  • Dawn

    I was love bombed after I was reinstated (the first time) - everyone fussing over my new little baby (what got me DF'd). But it didn't last long. Oh well - it was a facade.

  • MerryMagdalene

    A feeling of shame creeps over me as I read this and realize. . . I was one of the love-bombers.

    My heartfelt apologies to anyone I ever bombed and then abandoned to zoom away on new missions in search of new targets. ..................................

  • Devils Advocate
    Devils Advocate

    I must have hid under a rock because I didn't realize JW's love bombed prospective converts. But that's what happens when youre born into the LIE I guess.

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