For those of you who are unaware, I have been picketing local kingdom halls here for the past 6 weeks, and I have really been enjoying it. I have been standing on the side of the road in front of the halls on sunday afternoons between noon and 1pm holding a couple of different signs given to me by Undaunted Danny.
I have been very polite and friendly to the passerby's and havent yelled or harrassed people contrary to the popular misconception of the "evil apostates." The looks on some of the witnesses faces has truly been priceless. Most of the "worldly" passerby's have been very friendly and receptive and have waved to me and honked their horns.
People that I work with have noticed me also and this has opened up many conversations about JW's and has given me the chance to anti-witness to everyone on my shift. There are several people at work who have volunteered to come picket with me.
As far as im concerned, I consider what I do to be a community awareness service. Its just a shame there arent any more Ex-Jw's in my area, It would be nice if they started coming forward and voicing their opposition to the WT society.
I had just reached a point in my life where I couldnt take it anymore and decided to do something about it instead of sitting around depressed and thinking of the "what might have been's".
Sometime in the near future after all of my family is aware of my activities and the shock has subsided I may invite the media over to either watch me picket or I could call up the local newspapers and asked to be interviewed about the JW's.
As for right now there are still a few in my family who have no Idea, especially my Dad. So I will try to remain somewhat discreet until that last barrier has been breached.
I look forward to your comment, but I wont be able to give many replies here, as I wont be back to this computer until monday at the earliest.