God doesn't want you to use Crest or Tide!!!

by Elsewhere 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere


    Conservatives urge P&G boycott

    Christian groups go after Crest, Tide due to company's opposition to Cincinnati anti-gay statute. September 17, 2004: 3:01 PM EDT

    NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Conservative Christian groups are urging a boycott of two of consumer product maker Procter & Gamble's key products, charging the company is aligning itself with gay rights groups, according to a published report.

    The New York Times said Friday that James Dobson of Focus on the Family and the Rev. Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association are angry at P&G for a statement on the company's internal Web site opposing an anti-gay rights statute in its hometown of Cincinnati. The law exempts gays and lesbians from special civil rights protection.

    The two influential conservatives charge that by opposing the Cincinnati statute, the company is joining a push to allow same-sex marriage. They are urging supporters to boycott Crest toothpaste and Tide laundry detergent.

    "For Procter & Gamble to align itself with radical groups committed to redefining marriage in our country is an affront to its customers," Dobson told the paper.

    Procter & Gamble spokesman Douglas Shelton told the Times the groups are mixing two unrelated issues. Shelton said the company opposed just the Cincinnati statute and not efforts by the group to amend the Ohio Constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

    "The issue that these organizations are trying to put in our laps is one that we have not taken a position on," he said.

    Conservative Christian groups have also criticized the company, the nation's largest television advertiser, for putting ads on what they consider racy television programs.

    In the 1980's, a rumor spread through evangelical Protestant churches that the company was connected to Satan. The company eventually filed libel suits against individuals it said were spreading the rumor.

  • Lecari12RuleU

    Wow that's crazy. Now I'll have to go out and buy MORE Tide and Crest toothpaste! lol. :)

  • kwintestal

    Now we know why the people in these groups have yellow teeth, and clothes that aren't just as bright, or white as they should be.


  • WildHorses

    I already buy crest, but it looks as if I need to start buying tide again.

  • ezekiel3
    In the 1980's, a rumor spread through evangelical Protestant churches that the company was connected to Satan.

    Does anyone remember when JWs picked up this urban rumour? Even as a kid I thought the whole P&G thing was bunk.

    Everyone knows Satan uses Colgate!

  • WildHorses

    I know a woman who is conservative. So much so that she said to me the other day, that it was the parents fault if their kids ended up gay. She said being gay was taught and that one of the men she knows, son was gay because he would always call his son a sissy.

    Conservative Christians can be so ignorant.

  • ColdRedRain

    The Conservative Christians (An oxymoron, since conservatism itself is defined by little to no interference in private life by government or the powers that be.) get upset when they feel persecuted by secularists, yet they go off persecuting gays for expressing their beliefs.

    I won't by shedding any tears when "Conservative" Christians only amount to about 4 million people in this country.

    Conservative Christians can be so ignorant.

    Change that "can" to "will".

    ColdRedRain, of the Areligious Right Wing class.

  • mpatrick

    I love Cincinnati, but it definitely has a reputation of being conservative. It as even been jokingly referred to as "Sin-Cinnati" because of the way the city leaders act as moral gatekeepers.

    Michelle of the "going out to buy some more Tide and Crest class"

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