Save Britains Capital!!!

by Gadget 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    Thornborough Henge - Britains 5000 year old capital?

    The people of Britain 5000 years ago built circular monuments called henges to celebrate their religious life. These were the focus of festivals, the people who came set up camp around the henge, creating a widespread ritual landscape of burial grounds and spiritual sites surrounding the henge.

    Thornborough is the last remaining part of the largest henge complex in Britain, it is our only triple henge monument and is the only henge site in the world modelled on the constellation Orion - 1000 years before the great pyramids of Gaza followed the same design.

    Thornborough henges are protected by law but the surrounding area is not. This is where Tarmac has been quarrying and many of the settlements and other ritual sites surrounding the henges have already been destroyed. Tarmac have now applied to extend quarrying into an area known as "Ladybridge" - despite firm evidence that this contains perhaps the last remaining titual settlement in the area.

    It is vital that this application is defeated - the current quarry at Nosterfield has revealed hundreds of archeaoligical features linked with the henges. It has also been demonstrated how inadequate archealogical methods are in helping us understand the archealogy of the area - we must preserve the last few remaining parts of Thornborough ritual landscape until better methods are available.

    Heritage Action are working to stop this taking place and save these ritual sites, please sign their petition at

    Thank you!

  • Gadget


  • Sirona

    Thanks for bringing that to our attention Gadget!

    I'm off to sign the petition. Its so annoying how they'll destroy such important places


  • Sirona

    What an amazing henge !!!!

  • myauntfanny
    the last remaining titual settlement

    I'm sorry. I care about the henges, I really do, but this made me laugh. (Or is that actually a real word and I'm just too ignorant to know it? Couldn't find it in the OED.)

  • Gadget

    Maybe I should have proofread my typing a bit better, lol. And feel free to pass this on to as many people as possible, over 6000 signatures are needed to be able to lodge the petition and there are only about 4000 so far.

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