When someone is publicly reproved, what are their limitations in regards to family and friends??
Question: I need some info about reproof
by New Castles 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As a person that has been publicly reproved twice... I believe that it is a conscience matter that is left with the public. They are to associate with you with caution. They are to try and encourage you as one that is weak.
A person that is Publicly Reproved is not usually shunned - although I have seen individuals shun you anyways.
(sigh)... I HATE those games!
NO.... denial!
Usually someone is Publicly reproved because others know about the problem that the person had, if others don't then it's done privately. Basically, you're reproved because you've done something that you can be DF'd for, but have repented to the elders, and therefore, they can't DF you. You really shouldn't be shunned but there are those with the "My sh*t don't stink" attitude that will shun you anyway. Big loss. I've personally never seen family shun someone because they were reproved, unless there was something personal going on behind the scenes between the two parties.
New Castles
Cool, thanks for the replies....
I was privately reproved in the past and it did not affect me one way or the other -- I think I couldn't give talks for a few months (which was a relief). Family and friends did not know and therefore did not treat me differently.
However, if you are publicly reproved, some of the "strong" people in the troof may shy away from you or not invite you to do anything socially (aside from the meetings). They will greet you at the KH, but not associate with your outside of that. But there are no hard and fast rules/restrictions about associating with you.
the mole
i was when i was 15. since i wasnt baptised they put me on it. me and several young brothers were caught smoking weed at the district assembly in s.f. they sat us all in the room and made two of my friends cry. it lasted for about six months. it didnt effect me at all, i never had privilages and my friends came over to skateboard with me anyways. just to let you know we are in our thirties now and none of them are no longer members, i was the last.
When a friend of mine was publicly reproved, I went to the PO to ask how I should conduct myself () towards her. The P.O. told me to continue contact and to lovingly encourage her because once she was "reproved" the issue had been dealt with. It was not up to any congregation member to mete out further punishment.
(I wonder if I ever told her that....)
(I wonder if I ever told her that....)
I wonder if he told the rest of the cuircuit that?
New Castles
Thanks again everyone for the responses...its not for me, but a close friend...I was planning on treating them the usual way...just was wondering in regards to other family and friends