I'm off to bed but just had to tell. I'm excited but at the same time really concerned that when she tells someone that they will disuade her. I have been praying for this. She will try prove to me the 1914, 144,000 etc. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. I'm hoping that this will be over a period of time as there is so much to cover. For those who believe please pray for us and for those who don't wish us luck. Thanks, Azaria
A glimmer of hope-my mother is willing to study the bible with me.
by azaria 6 Replies latest jw friends
I will definitely say a prayer for you. I once had a really nice bible discussion with my mom, and got her to think about a bunch of things. She said she would look for the answers and get back to me. I have a feeling that whoever she went to for help with the questions "encouraged" her not to talk with me about it anymore. So I will pray that your mom keeps this study just between the two of you. Keep us updated!
There's a way to use the book of zechariah to undermine the 607 thing... but I forget how it goes. I'll check and get back to you...
If I may Make a suggestion, don't tackle the 144000 or the 1914 things, just read the bible together. start at the beginning of the NT, read a little, talk a little and keep the WT stuff out of it. The bible has a way of speaking for itself.
Thanks for responding.
kj: I am really concerned that someone will discourage my mother. It is kind of funny; my mother thinks she’ll convince me and I think I may convince her. But if I can get her to put religion aside and we just read the bible. Last night I asked her to read Rev 1 (out of the KJV) and then Rev 20. But she started to get uncomfortable and said that she was confused about it, that she never understood it. It surprised me that she would admit that. But then she quickly said to go to Philippians2:6. So I read that and it just supported my belief. That verse confused her and then she said that they twisted the scripture. I hope that one day you will be able to study again with your mom. I am excited but also realize that she may never see it, or at least that it may take a long time. As long as no-one intrudes. Thank you for your prayers.
I would really appreciate your help on that. I need all the help I can get. I think that she may use the Unreasonable Book, which I don't think is a good idea. I'm in the dark about that book.Willy: My mother has already said that she wants to show me the proof of 1914, so I will put together on paper what I have found to discredit that. Hopefully CZAR will be able to give me any information also. I would like to do it the way you suggest; to keep religion out of it, and to go real slow. It will be less of a shock to her that way if she is really willing to be open to it. To be less threatening I’ll tell her that we are both trying to seek the truth; that we are both on a journey; that we don’t try to condemn the others’ beliefs.
To be honest, when I read the topic title: "A glimmer of hope-my mother is willing to study the bible with me.", my immedaiate instinct was that studying the Bible with someone is a bad thing because, to be honest, as you respectfully said, to believers, pray for us, to non-believers wish me luck, I am not a believer in the Bible being God's word.
However, I am a FIRM believer in mothers and daughters sharing their lives together, so you're damn right, I'll wish you luck....... GOOD LUCK!! and I hope you accomplish what you want to get out of it.
Double Edge
Azaria... below are a couple of website that might help you. The first one specifically addresses the 1914 issue..
Good luck...