They ain't all bad.

by Insomniac 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Insomniac

    I live in a fairly small town, and I run into the witnesses from my old cong with some frequency. In general, they ignore me, or give me dirty looks, or, in one memorable instance in the ladies' room at the memorial, call me a whore. Just for the record, I'm not even close to whorish, I'm pretty straight-laced; this gives me an idea of how much hatred they must be feeling toward me.

    Today, however, I was walking out of a store, when I heard my name being called. Turns out, it was a man I know who was appointed as an elder about a year ago, but has always been cordial to me. He gave me a big hug, asked how my life was going, enquired after my worldly boyfriend. We chatted for a few minutes, and he told me about the new k-hall they built (after the mysterious burning of the old one). He invited me to stop by and see it, and said I'd always be welcome, even that I should come sit with him and his new wife so I'd be more comfortable attending.

    I thanked him nicely, and said I'd keep it in mind. What got to me was how nice he was about it. He treated me like a human being, did not disrespect my relationship, and did not try to bully me into coming back, just said it would be cool if I wanted to visit. After the warm Christian shunning I've been getting from the others, his actions seemed so much more humane and in line with how Christ really was. No, I won't be returning, but it's nice to be reminded that they ain't all bad. I wonder how many would return, if the door was simply left open, with no strings attached? Never mind; it's late and I'm rambling. Good night, all.

  • Markfromcali

    It's true, it's also true that a given individual isn't all 'bad', although some are in so deep that kindness appears to have been tossed out the window. What's sad for me now is the depth of delusion that exists, because sometimes it can be quite innocent and yet the individual can be totally in dreamland.

    I wonder, if this is what it's like to get well and leave the sanitarium and seeing your old friends again..

  • RR
    thanked him nicely, and said I'd keep it in mind. What got to me was how nice he was about it. He treated me like a human being, did not disrespect my relationship, and did not try to bully me into coming back, just said it would be cool if I wanted to visit.

    Welcome to the new kindler gentler Witness ... while the big wigs at HQ are duking it out for control, the rank and file are taking matters into their own hands.


  • kls

    No they are not all bad but there are to few that have real love or any compassion. If they really had feelings this experience you write about would not be news but it is and that is a sad reality.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    The might not be ALL bad, but when they are....

    In general, they ignore me, or give me dirty looks, or, in one memorable instance in the ladies' room at the memorial, call me a whore.

    ....they're downright wicked !

  • Devils Advocate
    Devils Advocate

    Those that are nice most likely have a belief in what Christianity, in theory at least, is supposed to be about. I've seen a few of these people and even debated one -- nicely of course. He couldn't answer of the questions I had and has been very nice ever since. The rest, in my opinion, would tow the party line no matter organization they belonged to. They are the ones in the JW death squads that you see at the hospitals when a JW is having surgery, or the elders hiding the child rapists/molesters.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Touching experience Insom.

    Fred Franz's statement regarding the billion non JW children destroyed by the Jehover;"well little nits grow up to be big nits".speaks for itself.

    The God of the Watchtower is Satan,and people usually imitate the God they worship.

    Some dubs are sincere and really are 'pure in heart'.I was,that's why i got out.

    Remember the catchphrase they hurl against 'goodly' non dubs,"they are sincere but they are sincerely WRONG.

    So it goes...

    This elder continues to defer from 'doing things Jehovers way' he will be out too.

  • Snapdragon

    Wow, Insomniac, that is a cool and very rare experience.

    But you bring up a good point. They ain't all bad. Perhaps even the majority aren't. Its all about the leadership. Glad to see that a person in position of authority was actually that loving. That kind of man was nonexistant in my old congregation.


  • Nosferatu
    No they are not all bad but there are to few that have real love or any compassion

    I very much agree with this statement. There are a few who were in my cong who take a genuine interest in me. At my very last JW funeral, one lady commented on my long hair. She just kept smiling, asking me if I liked my long hair, and I had a nice discussion with her. She wasn't criticizing me at all. There was another couple who are considered "weak", but they've always been really nice toward me.

  • Xandria

    You know, it is the "weak" ones that were always the strong, in the congregation. Compassion, Love, and even understanding. It is strange how the "strong" witnesses thought that a weakness. If that is weak then, consider me weak too. I would much rather be a weak person, if being strong means acting like a totally cruel person, devoid of human compassion and love.


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