Conversation With a Christian

by ColdRedRain 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ColdRedRain

    Today, I had a nice and interesting conversation with a Christian that came to my door from a nearby church. I wanted to blow them off and get back to my football game, but the Vikes were playing flat, so I decided to humor him.

    The guy showed me this pamphlet about how the bible's made for all mankind, so I asked him the fundimental question "If the bible was made for by all mankind, why was it written only by Jews and why does it use Isrealeo-centric language?"

    The man was dumbfounded to say the least and he walked from my door.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    the bible's made for all mankind

    "Love your neighbour, as you love yourself" is a message mankind needs to take to heart, so he is right really.

    why does it use Isrealeo-centric language?"

    The man was dumbfounded to say the least and he walked from my door.

    Well, can't blame him really

  • Carmel
  • Carmel

    CRR, No matter where the Messenger came, He would have been constrained by some cultural/political realities. Esperanto didn't exist then nore is there a place other than the South Pole that wasn't populated by some group of people with an heritage. Me thinks your questions were not that relavant.


  • Euphemism

    But Carmel... why would the Creator of the Universe be limited by such human considerations? For example, couldn't he/she/it choose to appear in many different cultures, in different forms?

    Of course, there are some religions that believe that is exactly what has happened. But that would contradict the Bible's uniqueness

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Hee hee, thats a good one...


  • Carmel

    Actually those faiths don't see biblical text as exclusive and unique as most christians choose to! Much like the exclusivism of the JWs, most christians see Jesus as a unique phenomenon and ignore any biblical text to the contrary or explain it away to meet their egotistical ideas.


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