Is there anyone here that feels they are of the annointed class?
by noidea 5 Replies latest jw friends
im not and never will be
Dear 'noidea'... may you have peace!
Dear one, there is no anointed 'class'... none whatsover. In the Household of God, ALL are anointed with holy spirit, the sons of Israel (144,000) and the 'great crowd' inclusive. There is only ONE body, ONE hope... ONE Lord... ONE baptism... and that is baptism with holy spirit. Those who were baptized with water (John's baptism), but have not yet received the baptism of my Lord, that with holy spirit, are all WELCOME to receive the latter as well, if they so 'wish' it.
Ephesians 4:4
Acts 19:1-5
Matthew 3:11
Revelation 22:17And any of the Household of God who are such by means of a receipt of the promised holy spirit, whether a direct descendant of Abraham from 'among 12 tribes of the sons of Israel' (144,000) OR 'out of every nation, tribe, tongue and people'... should be of assistance to you. For it is WE that are YOUR servants... and not you ours.
How, then, can we/I be of service to you? My email address is to the left.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
NEVER... say 'never', dear logical... for it is not up to us to check God's hand. Indeed, He shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it, and no one can come to my Lord unless the Father draws such one... and He draws... whomever HE pleases.
It is not up to the one who is running... and as my Lord said, "You did not choose me; I... chose you."
Peace to you, dear one!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
Who of us really knows what happens to us when we die?
All Christians are annointed.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]