Hi all:
I'm working with a charity right now (Operation Christmas Child)- I'm not asking for any $$ so please read on ...
Operation Christmas Child is a charity that distributes gifts to children in poverty. I have done this with my kids and they loved picking out the presents and filling the boxes. Here's what you do:
Get a shoe box and fill it with things a child would need: toys, candy, hygiene items (like toothbrushes, soap toothpaste), school supplies, candy, even t-shirts or hats/mittens. Then drop it off at a collection location. The charity collects these boxes and distributes them to the children in poverty striken countries. I have a friend who has gone to the countries to distribute the boxes and has shared with me how much it meant to these kids. This is may be the only christmas present they receive - and they value it so much.
There is no pressure here - I know we're all in different economic situations, and some of us already have charities we contribute to. However, if you are interested, check out http://www.samaritanspurse.org/home.asp - click on "Operation Christmas Child" - there you can find a link on what items to pack and a drop off location for your area.
This charity has a special place in my heart because I work with kids so much - and because Christmas now has such a special meaning - having not been able to celebrate as a child, I want every child that I can help to get a christmas present. I set myself a personal goal of getting 100 boxes donated for kids this year. So - if you decide to pack one and drop it off at a location, please post me a response or send me a message so I'll know. I'd be so excited to reach that goal! Just think of 100 more kids getting a christmas present this year who would otherwise go without!
I've been canvasing my work locations, schools, etc - so far I've had a lot of great response. So - if you're interested, please check it out.
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read this post.