What is the best way to choose our leaders?
Being as there so much disagrement about the suitability of our various presidents and prime ministers of our countries and the policies they pursue I was wondering are there better systems we could use in selecting our leaders than the systems we currently use?
I often wonder if in fact those people who actually want to become a prime minister or president are in fact worst people to do so.
Do the very personality traits that make someone want to be in charge, so much that they spend there lives trying to get into these postions, no matter what it take or who they hurt, actually disqualify a person from being a good leader.
We've probably all met the type of person who works his way to the top ,stepping on whoever he can to get there.
Maybe instead of a system where someone has to work there way to the top, there could be a system where people nominated by merit and can qualify only if they have spent a large part of there lives doing say charitable work , or have some similar kind of work.
A system where to be prime minister or president that you have to take a vov of poverty and are not allowed to make money from your postion even AFTER you have left office.
This would put off a lot of people with dodgy motivantions.
Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, and you need more arrogant, self confident people to lead (say Winston Churchil) as they will take strain and and the stresses of the job more easilly.
What is the best way to choose our leaders?
by sleepy 1 Replies latest jw friends
Sleepy, I see no one wants to tackle this subject. As a former political science major and now one who has become a member of the Baha'i Faith, I do have a perspective on your question that is probably outside the box for most people. Long before I became a Baha'i I became very disenchanted with the US electorial process and would vote in spite of my dislike for most of the candidates, chosing the least of two evils, so to speak. When I was investingating the Baha'i Faith, I was amazed to see how they chose their leaders. Basically it is as close to pure democracy as any funcitonal organization I know of. There is no nominating, electioneering or campaigning involved. The criteria for selecting leaders, no matter at what level, has nothing to do with material consideration, hence, wealth, notoriety or class distinction influences the voters choice. The qualities of unquestioned loyalty, deep devotion, evidence of a "well trained mind" and other demonstrated capacities of spiritual nature guide the electorate. The nine highest vote getters are elected to serve. Elections are annual for local and national offices and every five years on the international level.
I know it sounds idealistic, but I have now ovserved the process at all three levels, have been elected to local and national office and never ever tried to gain attention, demonstrate any capacity or disuade anyone to vote for or against me or anyone else. The mear mention of any name of one to consider for service is forbidden. It is the only international election that I know of that goes off without a hitch and with minor exceptions is flawless at the national and local levels.
Leadership is not seen as a means for personal power or "influence" but humble servitude. Anyone demonstrating to the contrary by their actions quickly finds themselves not elected the next time around.
Hope that helps. I personally believe the US electorial process is flawed to the point of it being one of the most corrupt systems in the world. We delude ourselves if we think otherwise. (IMHO)