by badboy 9 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, where to begin? How about here:
"On the face of it, the arrangement of 'Mother's Day' seems harmless and calculated to do good. But the people are in ignorance of Satan's subtle hand in the matter, and that he is back of the movement, to turn the people away from God." -- Vindication, 1931, (book 1), pages 158-59.
Or here:
?Is it proper for men to tip their hats to women??G. S., Missouri.
...not only is patriotic significance given to this gesture as shown by its being done for the flag, but also religious significance is accorded to it in that Catholic men tip their hats when they pass the Catholic church...Man and woman were not created equal in power and glory; the man came first and was given special prerogatives...But in his world Satan has reversed matters. Starting in Eden, he has pushed the woman ahead of the man, exalted her above man and used her to bring about the downfall of men dedicated to Jehovah. He has flouted God by reversing the position of the sexes. But he is very subtle about it, camouflaging his work under the guise of harmless custom. Many customs are harmless, but when they contradict a theocratic principle Satan is behind it to discredit God. He is a past master at such deception. (2 Cor. 11:14) In this particular matter of hat-tipping he appeals to the vanity of women and the so-called gentlemanly qualities of men, and any man who does not comply with the subtle custom is considered crude and discourteous, disrespectful of womanhood. So out of a fear of what others may think the majority fall into conformity...It is not good to flatter people, to turn their head; it is to their harm. Specifically, why would a woman want this special show of respect from a man? ...What custom does exist whereby women show respect to men? The absence of any is not just by chance, but is by satanic design to untheocratically elevate the woman above the man...Open or subtly disguised creature worship and exaltation will have no place there. It has no place with true Christians now.? (WATCHTOWER 1952 4/15 p254-5 Questions from Readers)
I was gonna say the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" quote was pretty wacky, but after reading the two postings above, I stand corrected. Un-be-freaking-li-vable!!!
Tim Horton
*** Watchtower 1972 January 1 pp.31-2 Questions from Readers ***
Questions from Readers
? Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry??U.S.A.
Homosexuality is definitely condemned in the Bible as something that will prevent individuals from gaining God's approval. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) However, whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage?
While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken.It is broken only by acts that make an individual "one flesh" with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.
Thanks to AlanF for this gem: Girls Have Cow-Like Sex Drive According To Watchtower
I'm sure there are lots more quotes than what I've highlighted in this article that qualify as stupid and wacky.
The Watchtower, 12/15 1961, p. 767.
AlanF Girls Have Cow-Like Sex Drive According To Watchtower
Post 2274 of 3361
since 07-Mar-01.
How can girls guard against temptation in this sex-crazy world?When a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind. Young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos. If they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the matter of sex, a boy and a girl are likely to become too familiar and to engage in what is popularly called petting or necking. They may practice this for a time and see no bad results. However, the time will come when there will be great danger in such actions. Why? In answer to this question, we can learn about nature and sex from the bovine family of mammals, both wild and tame.
Large herds of cattle, both male and female, wander over the plains feeding. Ordinarily the male or bull would not think of approaching the female or cow for sex purposes. If he did approach he would not receive a hearty welcome, but, rather, he might be gored by the cow's horns. There is no petting or sex relations between bull and cow permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed. The bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place. However, when the female of the species is in condition to breed, she makes the matter known. If there is no male in the herd, she will go elsewhere looking for one and she is unsettled until she finds one and then is bred by him. Now she is contented, and the end result is a calf. In this connection it is interesting to note that the male animal has no season at which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act.
If we humans would take a lesson from these creatures, we would learn something of importance in matters of sex, as to its purpose and the results of its operation.
As with a cow, when a young girl who has reached her puberty is in physical condition to conceive and become pregnant, her sex emotions are greatly aroused. If she has association with a boy, she is inclined to think that it is the sweetness of the "boy friend" that causes this delightful and new feeling, and so she becomes infatuated with him. If the boy friend should become sexually aroused and lets her know it and then she yields her body to the advances of the amorous boy friend, she is likely to become pregnant as a result of just one sex experience of this kind.
Some persons foolishly think that they know when it is "safe" to have sex contact with those of the opposite sex and thus avoid becoming pregnant, but this is a serious mistake on their part. Even learned biologists do not know exactly when there is no danger of conception for a woman. This is due to certain irregularities in the case of various females.
When the ovum, that is, the egg cell from which the baby starts, is at large or is on its way from the woman's ovary through her Fallopian tube to the uterus, there it remains for an uncertain length of time, which varies greatly with different females. Then is the time when conception can take place if the ovum is met by a male life sperm. During that same time the female is sexually aroused and is ready for the sex act that at this time will cause a baby to result. This bearing of children is the sole privilege of the female. In fact, this is one main reason for creating the female of the human species.
There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy. What a price for a girl, a virgin, to pay for a few minutes of satisfied sex emotions! When persons start in this dangerous and sinful course, they find it hard to overcome future temptations. When a young, unmarried girl falls to the temptation, the price she pays is terrible: shame, sorrow, a ruined reputation, endless troubles, with the danger of being disfellowshiped from a congregation if the girl is a dedicated member. It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this; and wisely she will direct her young life so as to end up in the position of a clean, happy wife and mother of legitimate children, journeying to the new world of righteousness, where there will be no sex problems amid a sex-crazy population.
The WRONG words to "Come Together."
franklin J
how about " living forever on a paradise earth" ?
We will see the wreckage and ruin of this so-called diesel civilization, that was too proud and conceited and sophisticated to fit itself to what it considered a camel-train philosophy.
(From: w51 6/1 p. 337 Why the Bible Is Specially Practical for Our Day)
Wow, you're mining some very fertile ground here, LOL.
Here's one that is pretty hilarious I found on Beans' site:
*** The Golden Age 1930 p.650 ***
[Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]
As a result of the publication of wholesome truth on the subject, there are fewer people now purchasing aluminum cooking utensils than heretofore. There is also a pronounced drop in the cancer death rate. Much aluminum used: many cancers. Less aluminum used: fewer cancers.
What foolish nonsence they came out with in those days!