I have been out of the JW's for some years now. I left a few years after the Revelation book came out. I remember when it came out my mom who has been a staunch JW for over 40 years told me that the JW's are indeed the truth and provide food at the proper time. When I read on this website that they have had so many revisions and "new" adjustments since the book came out I was wondering what my mom would say now. Have JW's discarded the "Revelation" book or do they still use it. I think I skimmed through it once and saw that they preached the 1914 generation doctrine but now I know they don't teach that anymore. So I was wondering how can they still offer that book in field service if there are so many void beliefs in there? Also a friend of mine who is an "apostate" said that the Revelation book slipped up and says that Rev 22:12, 13 is Jesus and I know that this verse is talking about the Alpha and Omega. JW's have been bouncing back and forth with this "Alpha and Omega" thing. One year Jesus is the Alpha and Omega then Jehovah is the Alpha and Omega then Jesus then Jehovah then Jesus I feel like this is a tennis match. Can't they decide who is the Alpha and Omega. So any apostates out there that have info on this subject please respond. My mom want talk to me if I say any thing negative about the WT. Are JW's still using the Revelation Grand Climax book? Do they now teach that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega? Please respond thanks.
The WTS "Revelation Grand Climax book"
by booker-t 9 Replies latest jw friends
Hhhhhmmmmm....not sure if this just adds to the confusion, but...
Rev 22:12: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/Rev_22-12.htm -
Amazing... the WTS contradicts itself in two consecutive paragraphs in the same article!
Thanks Quotes!
*** Watchtower 1999 Dec 1 p.19 Be Happy Readers of the Book of Revelation ***
18 In the book of Revelation, Jesus announces several times: "I am coming quickly." (Revelation 2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 20a) He must yet come to execute judgment on Babylon the Great, Satan's political system, and on all humans who refuse to submit to Jehovah's sovereignty, as now expressed by the Messianic Kingdom. We join our voices with that of the apostle John, who exclaimed: "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus."-Revelation 22:20b.
19 Jehovah himself states: "Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is." (Revelation 22:12) While awaiting the glorious reward of life without end as a part of either the promised "new heaven" or the "new earth," may we zealously join in extending the invitation to all honesthearted people: "'Come!' And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life's water free." (Revelation 22:17) May they also become happy readers of the inspired and inspiring book of Revelation!
So I was wondering how can they still offer that book in field service if there are so many void beliefs in there?
It's old stock, and they need to get rid of it somehow. They don't give a shit if their old doctrines are still in those books, all that matters is that they get rid of their overabundance of old stock by making it an offer of the month. As long as they get donations for the books, they don't give a shit.
BTW, Farkel wrote an excellent thread on this very subject a while back.
Everytime we studied that book at the book study, the notated updates in the margins got longer and longer. It's been a few years since it has been used now, so I suspect it will gradually be forgotten. A few more literature offers until the old inventory is sold off will be in order, and then then end will come.
By the way, that quote was gold. Usually, it takes them at least a month to contradict themselves.
Undaunted Danny
Where art thou oh hordes of gog of magog?
Whose the 'king of the north' nowdays?
The 'two witnesses' detox joe rutherford and his buds do a short stint in fed's glammer slammer and that's ground zero for it all?
Here we go.....,advertise,advertise advertise Jesus Christ is now enthroned in heaven ca.1914 [A William Miller civil war army captain adventist 'millerite mutation' bogus blasphemous LIE.]
"Millions now living will never die" ,once again detox joe admits he 'makes an ass of himself'.
Yup,i recon the climax book is about 95% bulls**t..And they had the gall to 'revise' it.
Millions now dying will never live.
(Putting myself in the terrible position of defending the Watchtower)...
I don't think that quote is contradictory. They *DO* vacillate on Rev 22:12 as to whether it is Jehovah or Jesus speaking, but that contradiction is NOT in Watchtower 1999 Dec 1 p.19.
Notice: para.18 (Jesus speaking, they say) is from Revelation 2:16; 3:11; 22:7, 20a)
but para.19 is from (Revelation 22:12)......
*IF* you believe that the speaker in Rev 22 seamlessly and without warning changes (i.e. verse 7 = Jesus speaking, verse 12=Jehovah speaking, verse 20, first part only!, is Jesus speaking again) then there is NO contradiction.
But with all that immpossible to observie changing of speakers going on, it is no wonder that WT writers sometimes get confused as to who is speaking at Rev22:12.
~Quotes, of the "can't believe I had to defend them" class -
Yes, you're right. We can't classify this as a contradiction.
It is merely an idiotic and ad hoc assumption that the speaker changes arbitrarily and without any textual support, in order to back up their interpretation. It's not the first time they have assumed a change in speaker or time shift in mid sentence.
I think I skimmed through it once and saw that they preached the 1914 generation doctrine but now I know they don't teach that anymore
Actually yes they do. The 1914 doctrine is the foundation for the whole religion, and even though they've known for the past 30 years that it's a false date, they feel they have to still promote it. Why? Because without the 1914 date, there's no 1919 date when Jesus supposedly picked these wackos as the F&DS class.......and without that, they feel they've got no scriptural authority over 6 million people.
The Revelation book is by far, one of the most embarassing books ever published by the Society. They've got virtually every single sign pointing to either Charles Russell, Judge Rutherford, WWI, their uh "proclamations" at Cedar Point Ohio and other boring assemblies...........it's just really ridiculous. I remember being out in Service with a sister after the book first came out and we were placing it. We got a guy at the door who (obviously) had studied the bible alot and he started telling us what all the signs meant......although I don't think anyone has all the answers, his explanations made far more sense than ours did and he made mincemeat out of the feeble arguments of the sister I was with. This of course flustered her, because she could think of no defense and we left shortly after that.
Yes, the 1914 doctrine is alive and well in Brooklyn Bethel.
*IF* you believe that the speaker in Rev 22 seamlessly and without warning changes (i.e. verse 7 = Jesus speaking, verse 12=Jehovah speaking, verse 20, first part only!, is Jesus speaking again) then there is NO contradiction.
Ah, all Witnesses including writing staff gotta do what I always do when I have a talk.............. Quote word for word older publications, and you get the
"great talk brother xx xx"
I remember doing Service meeting parts, and showing people how to place the book, and thinking "what the
heck would a householder want with this? Even if they wanted to know the Bible?"