Well...I was skimming throught the new Isaiah book released at the DC.
Read the chapter entitled "True Worship Expands Worldwide". Starting on page 316 it talks about Organizational Progress and makes use of Isaiah 60:17 "Instead of the copper I shall bring in gold, and instead of the iron I shall bring in silver, and instead of the wood, copper, and instead of the stones, iron: and I will appoint peace as your overseers and righteousness as your task assigners"
In the explanation it is said that replacing copper with gold is an improvement as are the other material mentioned.In harmony with this Jehovah's people have been experiencing improved organizational arrangements throughout the last days.
What a load of ##@@@@...Talks about the way elders and deacons were appointed and how it was improved and changed down through the years.
THEN it makes mention of changes at the GB level and gives this example---"An example of the latter was seen on October 7,2000, when it was announced that members of the GB who were serving as directors of the WTS and affiliated corps had voluntarily stepped aside. In this way the GB representing the FDS, is able to give more attention to caring for the spiritual oversight of the cong of God and its associates the other sheep. All such arrangments have been improvements. They have stregthened Jehovah's org and blessed his worshippers."
Whos has been behind these improvements? Are they due to the organizational ability or the ingenious thinking of some humans? No, for Jehovah stated:"I shall bring in gold". All this progress is the result of DIVINE GUIDANCE. As Jehovah's people submit to his guidance and make adjustments, they reap benefits. Peace prevails among them, and the love of righteousness impels them to serve him".
What a crock. When I read this I was shaking my head in digust. They don't tell the REAL reasons for this supposed progress. They chalk it up to DIVINE GUIDANCE and expect everyone to to go along with it. It makes me sick. I wish people would used their heads instead of blindly following along with whatever the GB says.
Anyways..I guess this struck a sore point with me. Anyone else have any thoughts on this matter?