Don't know how to start this... the other day, I was at work talking to the fellas there.
Somehow they mentioned 'cults' - and I blurted out something like "Jehovah's Witnesses are also a cult."
They quickly said "Don't let P**** hear you say that. He's a Jehovah's Witness."
I said, "Yeah. I know."
The first fella disappeared - or went home - and I continued to talk to my boss. I told him a bit about how they are... and HE mentioned, "Yeah... I don't know what they do - but P**** seems to be under a lot of pressure - or something - at various times of the year. His mind isn't here... he's elsewhere."
(Words like that)
I also told Richard that I used to be a JW. He seemed kinda surprised about that. I told him that was why I could say what I did about them.
He mentioned something about seeing them in the neighborhood on bikes... I laughed and corrected him. "Those are Mormons. Same difference, though."
He then said something that I thought was hilarious. (To understand this - you need to know that he is British.)
"That's why I am glad that I belong to the Church of England. You only have to go three times." He said.
Well... I am slow, and was mentally going through the - three times per... week? month? year? - then it hit me - per lifetime!!! I started laughing!
Then I tried to figure out WHEN those three times were... hmmm... birth... marriage... Oh! and death!
"Yeah, he continued. And you only have to participate at one of them - when you get married."
Richard is a funny guy!
Jim TX