To: Maximus

by Amazing 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Max: This post may appear lengthy because I quoted many of your comments, but it is actually a short post with respect to my responses. I chose to make a separate post to you as well as respond to your comments on Philo's post because I was not sure if you would have opprotunity to review his post again. Here it is:

    Hi Maximus: Thanks for responding to me. Here are my follow-up remarks to your comments:

    Amazing, your response suggests you are taking my remarks as being to you personally as to comments you wrote. Please don't read anything in to my post, I simply had an opportunity to say something just like everyone else.

    I took nothing personally, nor felt that I was being addressed. And I respect you equal right to express your views.

    You continued,

    I thought philo's points were well made and I wanted to associate myself with them.

    I agree, and likewise commented to Philo, commending his post.

    You continued by quoting me, then commenting,

    :: "And I find that those who visit such forums and make these judgments, as did your friend, without understanding human dynamics, are either very ignorant, or very callous, or assholes."

    That's quite a leap, to assume a simple personal observation is made without understanding of human dynamics. I'm seeing many posts all over the board from folks who are reeling, who are calling for a better way. ... I submit to you that to make a sweeping assertion that they are all ignorant, or very callous, or assholes, is in itself the height of ignorance.

    Not really a leap or a sweeping generalization. Some are ignorant. I have exhibited ignorance at times. This is not a character flaw, just a fact that exists at times. Same are callous, not as a deliberate flaw, but they do not take time to try and understand or empathize. We all fail in this, but some do it more than others, likely due to habit. Some are assholes, because they do have a level of knowledge and understanding, yet choose to knock people down emotionally. This is not a sweeping generalization, but rather, an acknowledgement of the various personalty behaviors exhibited on various forums.

    You said,

    The person I refer to is a professional who understands human dynamics very well, and so do I; you miss the point.

    Since I do not know of whom you refer, I may have missed the point.

    You said,

    What happens here is someone strings a couple of words together and another feels obliges to translate, dissect and expand them ad nauseam, then the originator replies in kind, escalating. I won't do that, whether misunderstood or not.

    You correctly notice one of the many dynamics of debate in action.

    You said,

    Neither he nor I need a lecture.

    No one is lecturing you that I know of.

    You quoted me and then commented,

    :: "Come on! People need a break ... they were beat down enough as JWs, why keep telling them to grow up and start trying give structure and controlling them."

    Whaaaat? Structure? Controlling? You've made another gigantic leap. I just observed a lotta people need to grow up. No smiley, no sneery. Not forced, not coerced. "Lotta" is light, not meant to elicit a prickly response.

    I find that when someone starts talking about 'growing up' it can, and often does reflect a condensending attitude. We all do this at times, and I have done it. It is not a giantic leap, unless you may be a mental miget. Your use of the term 'lotta' with respect to people growing up is in itself a sweeping generalization, because it lacks specifics as to who, what, when, how.

    Internet Chat: One person may be trying to use humor and another takes it as serious. With all of the normal communication tools being reduced to one, the 'written word' 90% of our ability to convey what we really mean is lost. In studies it is proven that the listener only hears about 10% to 15% of what we say. The rest is communicated in body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and mannerisms. None of us are exempt form this problem, and therefore, I submit to you that we simply take more time to work things through and understand one another. Logic demands this.

    You said,

    I'd like to explore ways of giving people tools in an atmosphere where they CAN grow up. But that's another story.

    Maybe you can make a separate post where you can provide a commonly acceptable definition of 'grown up' or 'maturity' and then describe the 'tools' you feel people need to have in order to make such progress. I would be fascinated by such an exploration.

    You said,

    I have no intention of discussing this further. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Fourth!

    This last statement betrays you: I find that people who jump out to make their points, regardless of whether their points have merit or not - which by the way I found your response very good - exhibit a 'hit and run' attitude. They take their oral swipes, and then run like hell. Of course when they are chased down, they assert that they have maxed out on the topic and have no more interest. yet, they deny the receiptient of their comments the opportunity to seek accountability for what was said. Since I happen to know you personally, I have observed this tendancy in you over time.

    I agree that there is a limit to anything, wherein we can began to beat 'dead horses'. But I find that much of the time, people will start a round of comments, and then slip away when the challenge increases. I am not suggesting that we need to meet every debate and challenge. Time constraints, etc. can present logistical issues, as well as in-depth interest. But I do, in your specific case, find this a common pattern to take a 'stab' and run. That's okay, I accept it without judgment. - Amazing

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Amazing, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

    This guy did not "stab," he made a simple comment. How could you possibly characterize this as a "hit and run swipe?"

    <This last statement betrays you> Man that's loaded language.

    You dissect what he says for far too long and attempt to get into his head. You are clearly reading into the post. May APPEAR lengthy?

    Your response was not proportionate or commensurate IMNSHO and is yet another example of the style he complains about, no matter what label is attached.

    Some may get off on this style but it is crap that turns me off. "You said, but obviously you really meant," "you betray yourself," "you correctly say," and all that. My objection has been registered in many ways by many persons over the last days.

    I know a number who have left this board in disgust over style and form, not subject matter. I'd like to stick around. But who in God's name can feel free to post **ANYTHING** if they feel senior people like you are going to overanalyze it and put them on the spot, accusing them of running if they don't answer to your personal liking? I myself have been an overbearing elder for far too long and I need to be more Christ-like.

    Take Kent's advice and go have a beer or two or three. Don't respond to this quickly if at all. I've made my point and that's all I care to do.

    I enjoy your posts except when you come across as full of yourself. That's not ad hominem, just my personal opinion.

    :: It is not a giantic leap, unless you may be a mental miget.

    That's a very cheap shot at someone who is obviously not a "miget," sir, and who has helped me immensely by his posts. I resent it.

  • Amazing

    Hi Eusebius Hieronymus (Jerome): Enjoyed your comments. Here are some thoughts that may help. My style is dispassioniate, calm, and mostly humorous or better stated, positive outlook. The reason I "quote" what another says is to avoid any concerns about misquoting or misstating their comments. Nothing is intended to 'Disect' or 'Parse words' as is claimed. And your response perfectly illustrates the 'communication' limitations on chat forums. That being said, here are some notes on your comments:

    You said,

    Amazing, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

    No. I got up feeling good and still feel good.

    You said,

    This guy did not "stab," he made a simple comment. How could you possibly characterize this as a "hit and run swipe?"

    Easily. He makes counter-remarks to my post, and ends by saying that he does not want to carry on the discssion. If, for example, I made some comment about you that was not correct in your view, but then refused to engage you further in allowing you to clarify, or hold me acountable, than that is a form of 'hit and run' posting. As I clearly stated at the end of my post, I held no judgments toward him, just merely expressing my own views.

    You said of my comment,

    <This last statement betrays you> Man that's loaded language.

    It could be, but I think taken in the overall context of my entire posts, it is a legitimate observation. I also state in the post that I personally know Maximus, and have had similar exchnages with him in other venues. By knowing the person I am writing to, I have a little extra understanding.

    You said,

    You dissect what he says for far too long and attempt to get into his head. You are clearly reading into the post. May APPEAR lengthy?

    When someone quotes me, I read past this and concentrate on what they are saying. So in this sense, it shortens my reading time. Getting into his head? No, I disagree. Disect? No. Quote him? Yes. Agree and disagree with him? Yes. Discuss and debate? Yes.

    You said,

    Your response was not proportionate or commensurate IMNSHO and is yet another example of the style he complains about, no matter what label is attached.

    What then is the 'politically correct' formula in making a response? Who makes that determination? I honestly don't know. I respond as I see it. At times I do well, and sometimes I do not do well. That is part of being human.

    You said,

    Some may get off on this style but it is crap that turns me off. "You said, but obviously you really meant," "you betray yourself," "you correctly say," and all that. My objection has been registered in many ways by many persons over the last days.

    Jerome, different people says things differently. Communication is a tenuous art, that at best is a miracle among people of the same language and culture, with 'all' of the associated tools, such as body language and tone of voice. Recently, at BRCI, someone who has exchanges with me on line said that in person I am so different that they can better read what I write, because now they see all the person behind what was once just 'words on a page.' And this is my very specific point ... that such a forum as good as it is, also has this unwanted and often unexpected 'downside.'

    You said,

    I know a number who have left this board in disgust over style and form, not subject matter. I'd like to stick around. But who in God's name can feel free to post **ANYTHING** if they feel senior people like you are going to overanalyze it and put them on the spot, accusing them of running if they don't answer to your personal liking? I myself have been an overbearing elder for far too long and I need to be more Christ-like.

    I have a very good suggestion for you. It is a lesson that took me time to learn. When you read a post, go back and read it in different tones. Often, if we are feeling angry, even subsconsciously, we will overlay anger onto what we read. It is human and we all do it. Then when you read it again, change the tone in your head to one of gentleness, or kindness, or caring, or anything but the original tone in whcih it was read. And see which emotion seems to fit best what was written.

    I recall a JW brother, when giving talks, would always read from the Scriptures in an angry tone when God or Jesus was quoted. During the TM School, I used this example, (without naming him or using his material) to show how the Bible can be read in different tones, and it can often change the entire meaning conveyed to the listener.

    You said,

    Take Kent's advice and go have a beer or two or three. Don't respond to this quickly if at all. I've made my point and that's all I care to do.

    I did not see Kent's advice on this anywhere. But, I really don't need a beer to chill out, because my emotions are not what they are perceived as being.

    You said,

    I enjoy your posts except when you come across as full of yourself. That's not ad hominem, just my personal opinion.

    I am not taking it as Ad Hominem. I am not 'full of myself' either. Perhaps my language and style elicits a response from you that feels this way, because some of my words are normally interpreted in your mind as meaning something negative. Maximus expressed an opin to me in my response to Philo. That is fine. I responded to maximus, and that is equally fine. We are each giving opinions, impressions, views, and personal perspectives. This is not suggestive that any one person is right, wrong, good, bad, full of themselves, or replete with humility. It is just part of the human dynamics of communication. I agreed with Max at times, and with you, and I agree that in some parts of this I have not done as good a job communicating as I needed or wanted.

    You quoted me and then commented

    :: "It is not a giantic leap, unless you may be a mental miget."

    That's a very cheap shot at someone who is obviously not a "miget," sir, and who has helped me immensely by his posts. I resent it."

    I diagree with Maximus on his position about 'Giant Leaps'. Therefore, I used an empahtic parody to illustrate just how ridicules that 'Giant' leap sounded to me. Use of extremes to make a point is not intended to insult, but to make a point. Jesus homself talked about 'plucking' our eyes out to avoid lustful thoughts when looking at a beautiful women. Obviously, Jesus did not literally mean for us to act on his point. Therefore, to deal with this 'Giant' leap remark, I countered it with, 'mental miget.'

    I learned a long time ago that if you dish it out, you have to be prepared to take it. My goal was not at all one of revenge, but of parody to help Maximus to understand how his 'Giant' leap did not fly with me. Sometimes, I have dished out and been in error, and have had it dumped back on me. So, I speak from the low, medium, and at times, if I am lucky enough, the high ground.

    I appreciate that Maxiumus has helped you greatly, and that is fantastic. AlanF has helped me a lot, and while he and I differ on some issues, I have great respect for him. When I see someone attacking AlanF, and I can make a contribution to his defence, I will. It is an emotional reaction, and just as legitimate as a logical response. So, I do apologize if my words conveys any insult to your Maximus as your friend.

    Finally: Just so you know, I do not think of Max in a negative way. In fact, I think very highly of him and his excellent posts. I simply took exception with him on one issue, and in a way that I felt was appropriate knowing the man as I do. I hope I have done a better job of dealing with this, and that my response is received in a positive spirit, as it is intended that way. - Amazing

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