I spoke with my elderly aunt yesterday about much of what I've read over this past week...catching up on The Best of Series...well, some of it anyhow; and her comments echoed much of what many former JW's have already spoken of.
She reminded me how many years ago when her one grandchild needed a blood transfusion and her daughter had called in a panic...my aunt simply told her to do what she felt for best for the child - not the church. Or, the sometimes humerous stories of field service - the dreaded thought that someone might actually answer their door.
My aunt releated how her own father had once asked if she wanted to "pioneer" and when my aunt told him, "no" my grandfather had the most shocked look on his face.
Needless to say my aunt has long ago been df, but the memories are still there along with the endless shunning from family. And she is near 80 years of age now. At any rate my beloved Aunt Jeannie sends each and everyone of you her love.