Another Sunday night ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (another Monday morning)

by hillbilly 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Haahhaha-- sounds like the 'hook' for a good country song..... well our first rainy, cold grey autum weekend is in the bag. Didnt get near enough done, work or fun. and monday looms. I need a vacation, or at least some female attention...anyway, 'nuff about me.

    If you could take off next week where would you go? what would you do? what would you see?

    Hill ( i do have some time off in November Class)

  • Jim_TX

    If I could go anywhere... Australia for a week.


    Jim TX

  • hillbilly

    Australia--- our cold, wet, early fall is likely their cold, wet, late spring........ but a lot of that continent is warm and coastal. The flight down would burn up a lot of time, and one week just wouldnt be enough.

    I really don't wanna go to work tommorrow... someone put their hand on my forhead... do I feel warm?

    Hill (needs a mental health day, but needs to finish a project this month)

  • Stefanie

    I like Monday mornings...

    My smiles aint workin.... so insert the party smilie... 8)

  • Stefanie
    If you could take off next week where would you go? what would you do? what would you see?

    Corpus Christ to visit my granny and the house that i grew up at, and that i havent seen in three years..

  • Sunnygal41

    I'd go up north, and stay in a nice, cozy cabin with a fireplace and a big fluffy bed in the midst of the mountains. It'd have to be stocked with plenty of good food and wine and the books I love to read. I'd want my cats with me and I'd spend the week sitting on the porch just looking at the autumn leaves and listening to the animal life and reading and just thinking................

  • eyegirl

    i'd kidnap my manwhore, fly somewhere warm and scenic (and without a helmet law). rent a bike, maybe two and put on some serious miles. soaking up the sun and enjoying the good company

  • blondie

    Actually, it reminds me of this song:

    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
    Now how I wish I had someone to talk to
    I'm in an awful way.

    I got in town a month ago
    I seen a lot of girls since then,
    If I could meet 'em I could get 'em
    But as yet I haven't met 'em
    That?s how I'm in the state I'm in.


    Another fella told me
    He had a sister who looked just fine
    Instead of bein' my deliverance
    She had a strange resemblance
    To a cat named Frankenstein.


    Its hard on a fella
    When he don't know his way around
    If I don't find me a honey
    To help me spend my money
    I'm gonna have to blow this town.

    Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
    I've got some money 'cause I just got paid
    How I wish I had someone to talk to
    I'm in an awful, ooh, I'm in an awful way,
    He's in an awful way, I'm in an awful way,
    I'm in an awful way, He's in an awful way.

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