This was recently sent to me.
Does anyone know where it can be found, sure I've seen it somewhere
10 Reasons Why It Isn't The Truth.
1. Publications discourage marriage on the basis that it is better to spend time in the ministry. The assertion that there is not much time left is emphasized in this context.
2. Publications and statements continually state that the end is very near and link this with how we should act and think.
3. Statements are made about how difficult it will be for those with children to live through Armageddon.
4. Pejoratives are used to mark those on the outside and to contrast them with those within the faith, discouraging people from associating with those not in the truth.
5. Contrary worldviews are condemned outright and investigation of alternative views is strongly discouraged. Brothers in positions of prominence within the congregation often write about how valueless their pursuit of higher education was before they came in the truth.
6. Although publications insist that brothers should "rejoice", external evidence as well as telling statements within the publications themselves indicate that many in the congregations suffer from depression.
7. Those who leave are singled out and labelled corrupt and mentally diseased.
8. Their publications have been repeatedly shown to contain numerous errors and basic misunderstandings. No credible scholars corroborate their assertions.
9. Unity is taken to the extent that everyone is expected to be of the same mind and in the same line of though.
10. They claim that they are substitutes for Christ and speak on his behalf.!-/Text-!>