This topic was inspired by another one dealing with the pointless loss of life of four JW teenagers. Upon reflection, it seems even more pointless than before. And it makes the JW policy on blood aritrary to the point where it rubs shoulders with actual criminal conspiracy.
Remember that the Mormons finally abandonded their teaching on polygamy because it could not stand modern scrutiny of its legitimacy. The same seems true concerning the Society and its "teaching" on blood.
See if you agree.
The really unforgiveable aspect of the ban on blood transfusions is that the JWs have backed themselves into this corner. And they've tried every way they can to ooooze out of it. It's OK for JWs to accept transfusion of various blood fractions, for instance, and even the product that's made of some sort of purified cow blood.
The idea that it's OK to accept various blood fractions contains an absurd concept. Blood cannot be transfused because it's "sacred," because the "soul is in the blood." By allowing certain blood components to be transfused but not others, the WTBTS by implication is signalling that it knows which blood component contains the soul - that part of blood that makes it sacred. Otherwise, why proscribe its transfusion? This is mighty heady stuff, this claim that the actual location of the soul is known by an isolated group of religious leaders in New York state.
Of course, the WTBTS has no idea where the soul is located. In fact, the WTBTS, in another of its teachings, claims there's no such thing as a soul. So proscribing blood on the grounds that it is the sacred seat of the soul is an internally inconsistent argument. Can't have it both ways; either there is a soul or there is not; either blood is sacred by virtue of its containing the soul or it's not sacred at all - and the ban on its transfusion is just what it seems: an absurd, baseless religious ritual requirement no different than all the other baseless rituals of, say, the Catholic Church concerning which the Society has pilloried this competing religious organization for years.
I say the WTBTS has backed itself into the mother of all corners.
What do you say? (Note to JW fanatics: we already know what you "think.")
Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.